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Intertek model 0-meting

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1 Intertek model 0-meting
32395 m3/h 21070 m3/h Lab 2.01 Lab 2.02 Lab 2.03 Lab 2.04 Intertek hal 2732 m3/h 8594m3/h 4490 m3/h 162 m3/h 1167 m3/h 6991 m3/h 5445 m3/h 429 m3/h 617 m3/h 3087 m3/h 6853 m3/h 1358 m3/h 2408 m3/h

2 Intertek model 0-meting met design inblaas
11850 m3/h 21070 m3/h Lab 2.01 Lab 2.02 Lab 2.03 Lab 2.04 Intertek hal 8212 m3/h 4490 m3/h 2330 m3/h 1008 m3/h 2089 m3/h 6991 m3/h 7440 m3/h 1080 m3/h 138 m3/h 3087 m3/h 5460 m3/h 768 m3/h 1605 m3/h

3 Intertek model met 4 afzuigingen, 1 zuurkast en luchtdichte deuren
11850 m3/h 21070 m3/h Lab 2.01 Lab 2.02 Lab 2.03 Lab 2.04 Intertek hal 9220 m3/h 1936 m3/h 2330 m3/h 394 m3/h 6991 m3/h 7440 m3/h 1063 m3/h 3087 m3/h 5460 m3/h 614 m3/h 1759 m3/h

4 Intertek model met 4 afzuigingen, 1 zuurkast en luchtdichte deuren + 150Pa weerstand
11832 m3/h 21070 m3/h Lab 2.01 Lab 2.02 Lab 2.03 Lab 2.04 Intertek hal 9238 m3/h 1936 m3/h 2327 m3/h 391 m3/h 6991 m3/h 7429 m3/h 1051 m3/h 3087 m3/h 5452 m3/h 613 m3/h 1752 m3/h

5 Overview explanation Icon Description
Mass transfer indicator: direction Mass transfer resistance to set standard gas inflow Optional mass transfer resistance, i.e. filters Location of interest, area with pressure and volume Compressor to set mass outflow Lab 2,02

6 Assumptions Each room is seen as a CSTR  to pressure variation within a room All mass transfers are pressure driven The hallway has a constant pressure: 1atm No air leakage from outside into the laboratories All laboratories are connected to the hallway, and only to adjecent laboratories

7 Equations dV(n)/dt = Σ(V_in(n))-Σ(V_out(n))
Where: V = ((P_out-P_in)-P_drop)*A*Kw P = pressure in the area (Pa) A =the surface area where gas can flow through (m2) Kw = the resistance parameter (m/Pa/s) n = the time step for the calculation A resistance (P_drop) is to be defined as pressure drop (Pa) The pressure in an area is calculated as: P(n) = P(n-1)+(V(n)/V_area*PC) Where PC = pressure conversion coefficient (Pa/bar)

8 Constants required Area volumes (m3)
Total gas inflow at the beginning (m3/s) Gas distribution to laboratories  mass transfer resistances ( ) (Pa) Standard gas outflow (pump capacities, m3/s) Gas resistance parameters for transport beween laboratories and hallway (kw,m/Pa)

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