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Running an effective client seminar

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1 Running an effective client seminar

2 Use this checklist to ensure your client seminar runs smoothly
<Insert name of workshop> Activity Responsibility Completed by Comments Identify your target market Consider the following: Existing clients or new clients? Age group? Occupation categories? High net worth/medium net worth? Life stage? Small business owners? Insert name of staff member responsible Insert date (Should be completed 8 weeks before seminar date) Decide your seminar topic Specific topics Delivery order of presentation topics Select a date and time Tuesdays – Thursdays are generally the best days Avoid weekends and public holidays Avoid school holidays Avoid Christmas and Easter holiday periods Avoid dates that conflict internally Avoid major sporting events Avoid election days Avoid local events (Should be completed 6 weeks before seminar date) 1

3 Seminar checklist 2 Activity Responsibility Completed by Comments
Decide the seminar venue Consider the following: Branch Conference centre Local club Restaurant Hall or community centre Parking and public transport Insert name of staff member responsible Insert date (Should be completed 8 weeks before seminar date) Decide on a format for your target market Breakfast Lunch Dinner Morning/afternoon tea Evening drinks Confirm logistics Confirm agenda Seating arrangements, U shape, Circular tables (known as ‘cabaret’) or rows (known as ‘theatre’) Ensure the venue will supply water, notepads and pens Confirm if a lectern is required Confirm AV and equipment requirements Plan menu (ensure vegetarian options) Plan food service start and finish time Ensure the venue sets up a registration table (Should be completed 6 weeks before seminar date) 2

4 Seminar checklist 3 Activity Responsibility Completed by Comments
Organise marketing material Consider the following: Invitation and envelopes Work books, brochures and other seminar material Take home packs inc brochures Feedback forms Local newspaper advertising Branded giveaways Signage for the venue Insert name of staff member responsible Insert date (Should be completed 8 weeks before seminar date) Staff training Answers to common questions Key prospect information to obtain Overview of seminar How to handle objections Send invitations Mail (Should be completed 6 weeks before seminar date) 3

5 Seminar checklist 4 Activity Responsibility Completed by Comments
Check supplies Consider the following: Supplies of marketing material Sign-in list Printed name cards and blank spares Pens and pencils Business cards Feedback forms Supplies of take home packs Insert name of staff member responsible Insert date (Should be completed 8 weeks before seminar date) Rehearsal Ask a colleague to provide feedback Get your staff involved by acting as participants Final preparation Send confirmation or SMS 2 days before Confirm final catering with the venue (Should be completed 6 weeks before seminar date) 4

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