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History and Definition

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1 History and Definition
Dramaturgy History and Definition

2 Western theatre: The Poetics by Aristotle
Written around 335 BC · The Poetics is the earliest surviving Western work of dramatic theory. · In this work, some of the things Aristotle analyzes are character, action, and speech in tragedy.

3 The Poetics by Aristotle
Character: the people in the play Action: what the character does/is trying to do. Speech: what the character says; the way the character says things, for example, dialect, phrasing in poetic form or prose.

4 Non-western theatre: India Natayasatra – “The Art of Theatre”
Probably the earliest non-Western dramaturgic work. Written about 100 AD Describes the elements, dramatic forms and narrative structure of ancient Indian dance dramas. Motions, gestures, positions on stage all have meaning and are part of the storytelling of Indian drama.

5 Germany: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
Lessing is considered the father of modern dramaturgy. Coined the term “dramaturgy.” wrote and published The Hamburg Dramaturgy (Hamburgische Dramaturgie). These works analyzed works in German theatre. · Lessing’s work the basis of modern dramaturgy.

6 Let’s review our ol’ pal Dramatic Structure…
Defining Dramaturgy Dramaturgy may be broadly defined as shaping a story into a form that may be acted. Dramaturgy gives a dramatic work or performance a structure. Let’s review our ol’ pal Dramatic Structure…

7 Defining Dramaturgy Dramaturgy is: · a comprehensive exploration of the context in which the play resides. The dramaturg is the resident “expert” on the context in which the play happens : physical/geographic historical social/political economic

8 Context… Let’s try it…

9 Context… Physical and/or geographic setting Historical period/setting
Social and/or political issues Economic situation of the setting and/or characters

10 Now… It’s time to finish reading your plays.
Be ready to give synopses of all 3 for the class. You may make and use notes for them if you would like. Tomorrow you will select one for your project. Review your notes, there will be a quiz tomorrow.

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