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Welcome to the Media Center

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Media Center"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Media Center
Ms. David

2 Media Center Rules: Positive Attitudes Act Responsibly Enter quietly
Listen and follow directions Share all materials Act Responsibly Use materials correctly Keep the media center clean Return materials in good condition Media Center Rules:

3 Media Center Rules: Work for Success Show Respect Locate books
Enjoy books Use the media center as a learning tool Show Respect Talk Quietly Respect others Respect media center materials

4 Videos Choose a few videos from the collection to watch Look at the samples of books on your table What caused these books to be damaged? Share time

5 How to Take Care of your Books!
Treat them with care! Watch out for pencils, crayons, markers, and WATER! Don’t eat snacks or food with your books! No lunchroom, please. Keep them in your desk or book bag. Books don’t like to be under beds, in closets and left on the bus. Don’t trade or loan them to a friend. Don’t let babies read them.

6 How to Find Books: Book Bins – Kindergarten Book Cart - 1st
Browsing – 2nd – 5th

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