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Presentation on theme: "Celebration-celebrate"— Presentation transcript:

1 Celebration-celebrate
Vocabulary George Washington Abraham Lincoln Holidays Celebration-celebrate Presidents day Biography

2 Biography of Abraham Lincoln
Born: February 12/1809 Hodgenville, Kentucky Died: April 15/1856 He was the 16th president of the U.S He free the slaves

3 Biography of Abraham Lincoln

4 Biography of George Washington
Born: February 22/1732 Westmoreland, Virginia Died: December 14, 1799 He married Martha Dandridge He was the 1th president of the U.S He helped build America

5 Biography of George Washington

6 Biography of George Washington

7 Biography of George W. Bush

8 Biography of George W. Bush
Born: July 6/1946 New Haven, Connecticut He married Laura Bush He was the 43th president of the U.S He helped protect America

9 Biography of George W. Bush

10 The White House LAURA BUSH

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