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Introduction to Health & Wellness

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Health & Wellness"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Health & Wellness

2 What does it mean to be healthy
What does it mean to be healthy ? What are some examples of healthy habits?

3 S P I C E - Social - Physical - Intellectual / Mental - Career
- Environmental - Spiritual / Emotional

4 Before we continue… Star the dimension of health that you think is your strongest. Check mark the dimension of health that you think is your biggest area for improvement.

5 S – Social Health

6 Social Health Having quality, supportive friendships/ relationships
BEING a good friend Interacting/communicating Respecting others Contributing to your community

7 What about social media??

8 Is the number of friends you have important?

9 What if you are just naturally shy or not very outgoing?

10 Complete Social Health Inventory
What are your strengths and areas for improvement?

11 P – Physical Health

12 Physical Health Eating a well-balanced diet Exercising regularly
Avoiding drugs, alcohol & tobacco Getting a yearly physical Getting enough sleep Drinking enough water Hygiene

13 What if you’re not “athletic”?

14 Complete Physical Health Inventory
What are your strengths and areas for improvement?

15 I – Intellectual/Mental Health

16 Intellectual/Mental Health
How you deal with stress Learning new things/curiosity

17 How smart am I? vs. How am I smart?

18 Self-talk Positive attitude Creative problem solving What kind of learner are you? Awareness – do you know what’s going on around you?

19 Complete Intellectual/Mental Health Inventory What are your strengths and areas for improvement?

20 Discovering Personal Skills…

21 C – Career/Occupational Health

22 Career/Occupational Health
Finding a career field that enables you to contribute your unique gifts, skills and talents Finding something that is meaningful and rewarding

23 “If you find a job you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.”

24 Show me the money??? Want to know how rich you are? Count the number of things you have that money can’t buy.

25 There are NO self-evaluation inventory questions for Career/Occupational Health.

26 E – Environmental Health

27 Environmental Health Access to clean air and water
Sanitary living conditions Conscious of your IMPACT Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle… a little bit goes a long way! Be An Earthkeeper… remember McKeever??? 

28 Complete Environmental Health Inventory
What are your strengths and areas for improvement?

29 S – Spiritual/Emotional Health

30 Spiritual/Emotional Health
Values & Morals (Conscience) Being aware of and accepting your own feelings How you express these feelings How you manage stress/problems

31 Asking for help Developing a sense of PURPOSE Overall outlook on life Staying TRUE to YOURSELF Making TIME for YOURSELF

32 Complete Spiritual/ Emotional Health Inventory
What are your strengths and areas for improvement?

33 What is something you want to work on?
PAGE 10 Take a minute to reflect on all of YOUR domains of wellness. What is something you want to work on?

34 What is the difference between health and wellness ?

35 Wellness is achieved by balancing the SPICES.

36 How could the different domains of wellness affect one another?

37 Brainstorm words to describe the following animals:
PERSONALITY TEST Brainstorm words to describe the following animals: Lion Otter Golden Retriever Beaver

38 Make your prediction…

39 Complete Personality Paragraph – TURN IN
Complete page 15 in packet: “Discovering Who I Am…

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