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A federated European Cloud Marketplace for Science leading to Information as a Service ESA Pilot case EUMEDCONNECT3-ASREN, 27 June 2014 Maryline Lengert, ESA

2 To support the computing capacity needs for the ATLAS experiment
A European cloud computing partnership: big science teams up with big business A European cloud computing partnersh: big science teams up with big business Strategic Plan Establish multi-tenant, multi-provider cloud infrastructure Identify and adopt policies for trust, security and privacy Create governance structure Define funding schemes To support the computing capacity needs for the ATLAS experiment Setting up a new service to simplify analysis of large genomes, for a deeper insight into evolution and biodiversity To create an Earth Observation platform, focusing on earthquake and volcano research To improve the speed and quality of research for finding surrogate biomarkers based on brain images Suppliers What do we want to do: Facilitate science workflows for all researchers through an e-Infrastructure commons Need more coherence and integration from the service providers Need to engage researchers in all disciplines from all sizes of community Need to keep resources free at the point of use for researchers Need to link resource use to service provider income for sustainability Need to reduce the barriers to entry and simplify use for end-users Adopters

3 Hybrid Public-Private Cloud Model Federation of partners
Academic Other market sectors Big Science Small and Medium Scale Science Government Manufacturing Oil & gas, etc. Federating Europe’s Public and Private Assets to create a new ecosystem Helix Nebula Blue Box Network Commercial/GEANT EGI Fed Cloud Atos Cloud Sigma T- Systems Front-end Front-end Front-end Front-end Front-end Front-end Publicly funded Commercial HPC/PRACE 3 Maryline Lengert, ESA

4 Building the hybrid cloud Connecting commercial providers to the GÉANT/NRENs
DANTE offering free IP connectivity in GÉANT for research traffic during the pilot phase NRENs have different commercial agreements (usually they apply a fee)

5 ESA Pilot: Info as a Service using satellite data
Helix Nebula ensure generic IaaS provisioning , starting with the data source, e.g satellite -processing, -dissemination and –archiving. Within HN, ESA focussed on stimulating a balanced development of science, public utility and commercial applications consistent with ESA obligations and objectives 5

6 public e-Infrastructure
EO data in-situ data Supersites Exploitation Platform: Infrastructure concept for science use commercial infrastructure public e-Infrastructure networks EO Science users will use the Supersites as their first option for data: Storing Querying Processing Analysis because that's where they find all the data, tools and peers.  Goals: 1. building a global network of Geohazard Natural Laboratories: (space & in-situ) 2. Developing an e-infrastructure for solid earth data 3. Data analysis on the cloud Strategy to achieve objective: Improved monitoring E-infrastructure virtually connecting data providers and users Open access to all relevant data sets according to GEO data sharing principles Stakeholders: in-situ data owner (agencies, or institutes) Space Agencies, Global science community Tools & Results Universities Research Centers SMEs

7 Ground displacement monitoring: using IPR developed by CNR Naples (IREA)
Earthquakes Satellite SAR data set Variety of Data & tools to be re-used for many known and still unknown applications Volcanoes Infrastructures SBAS-InSAR Processing

8 Subsidence in Rome SBAS-InSAR results
130 ERS/ENVISAT scenes acquired by descending orbits between 1992 and 2010 Mean velocity [cm/yr] > 0.5 <-0.5 Viale Giustiniano Imperatore

9 Rome: Integration of SBAS-InSAR results and digital catalogues of buildings
Mean velocity [cm/yr] > 0.5 <-0.5

10 Rome: Integration of SBAS-InSAR results and digital catalogues of buildings

11 Rome: large scale damage assessment of buildings
Damaged joint 11

12 SBAS-InSAR: scientific use case
User (Scientist) Web Interface SBAS-InSAR Satellite Data (VA4) 3rd Party Analysis Tool 3rd Party Data Knowledge INFOaaS Scientists support Tools, Interested parties (Public and/or Private Entities) covers computational costs

13 SBAS-InSAR: commercial use case
User (SME) Web Interface Knowledge SBAS-InSAR Satellite Data (VA4) INFOaaS 3rd Party Analysis Tool 3rd Party Data Customer (e.g. Company) Every actor keeps control of its IPR Customer pays for accessing the service provided by the SME

14 Information as a Service: Science interfacing with private sector
Satellite data (ESA/Copernicus) Data Content Provider (Research) Knowledge Customer Helix Nebula Marketplace Customer Information GEO-IT & App Provider (SME) Tools Service Provider (Industry) Computing & IT Lower upfront investment Fast access to EO and other geodata resources Disruptive technology Risk and profit sharing Sustainability

15 Summary The Helix Nebula ecosystem implements
Helix Nebula Marketplace provides a multi-tenant ‘Open Market Place for Science’, where data providers, scientists, funding bodies, SMEs and downstream industry can meet to work along common interests. The Helix Nebula ecosystem implements many-to-many relationships, quickly being established, to transform data into valuable information

16 Thanks!

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