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Getting Ready for Registration

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1 Getting Ready for Registration
October 7, 2016 The goal of this presentation is to prepare you for the registration process and to inform you of proper procedures and helpful hints.

2 Before registering… Make a list of requirements for your major, the UCC, and for Honors Develop a schedule for next semester Schedule an advisement appointment Request permits Before you can register for classes, there are a few things that you must take care of. We will go into further detail about each of these points later on in the presentation.

3 That’s easy…

4 Make a list of requirements
What courses do you need for your MAJOR? The curriculum control sheet or finish in four sheet for your major tells you what you need to complete each semester.

5 What courses do you need for the UCC?

6 How do you know which UCC areas you have completed?
Check your degree evaluation!

7 Open WP Connect In order to access any information, you must log into WP Connect. If you open up the William Paterson University homepage, you will find a link to WP Connect at the top of the page.

8 Open “Students” Tab After signing in, make sure to select the “Students” tab at the top of the page.

9 What courses do you need? Degree Evaluation

10 Your Degree Evaluation

11 Your Degree Evaluation

12 A minimum of one Honors Course
Every honors student must take at least one honors course each semester. Spring 2017 Courses  UCC Area 2A, ART Understanding Art, He Zhang, MW 9:30-10:45, CRN 10024 UCC Area 2C, ENG , Intro to Literature, Phil Cioffari, MW 3:30-4:45, CRN 11095 ENG , Intro to Literature, Phil Cioffari, MW 2-3:15, CRN 10189 UCC Area 3A, PHIL , Introduction to Philosophy, Barbara Andrew, TR 9:30-10:45, CRN 10294 UCC Area 3C, PSYCH General Psychology, Janet Ahn, TR 11-12:15, CRN 13140 UCC Area 3D, PHYS General Astronomy, J. Kendall, Saturday, 2- 7:45 p.m., CRN 11039 UCC Area Four, ANTH 2020 Equity and Diversity in Schools, Ron Verdicchio, Thursdays 2-4:40, CRN 13167

13 So, now you have: A list of courses
Credits UCC 2C Expression - Literature 3.0 UCC 3A Ways of Knowing - Philosophical Perspectives UCC 3C Ways of Knowing - Social & Behavioral Science MATH 1170 Business Math (meets area 3E) World Languages II One honors course (may be one of the courses listed above.

14 Look up Course Offerings
The benefit of priority registration is that you can design you own schedule, and that you will most likely get the section of the course that you desire. Honors sections of UCC courses are posted on the Honors Curriculum webpage.

15 Select Term Date Be sure to select the correct semester.

16 Select Subject

17 Click on Course Search

18 Click on the course you want

19 Find a section that works

20 Select a Course To register, you will only need the CRN #.
If you need to request a permit, you will also need the course name, number, and section. CRN # Course & Section # Course Title

21 Work out a schedule and get CRNs

22 Go to your advisor with 1. a copy of your degree evaluation 2. a copy of the finish in four/8 semester plan for your major 3. a list of classes that you plan to take in the spring Alternate pins are NOT available yet. If you plan to see me in the next week, I won’t have an alternate pin for you. Remember that your s with your advisor should be formal, polite, and businesslike. Do not use the lingo you would use in texting a friend. Use the language and the formalities you would use in a business letter.

23 Request Permits Request permits for Honors, Education, and Upper level courses (verify with your advisor/department) Include the following information in all permit request s: Name Student I.D. Number Course Title (Calculus II) Course Number and Section ( ) Course CRN Number (10300) Some courses require a permit in order for you to register. It is not a “physical” permit, but rather special permission that is granted online. Be as specific as possible when requesting a permit to ensure that you get the class and section that you want.

24 Email Etiquette Email your advisor for an advising appointment
Address your advisor by the proper title. Is your advisor a professor? If so, begin your by writing something like “Dear Dr. Andrew,” or “Dear Professor Andrew.” Remember that your should be polite, formal and business-like. Don’t use slang language. Write in the style that you would write a business letter.

25 You are responsible for your degree completion
Your advisor can only advise. You register for your courses. You make decisions about your best path to graduation. It’s your responsibility to know what courses you need to complete your degree.

26 Be a problem-solver Before you send your advisor an , take a minute to reflect:  can you answer the question you are posing?  Have you looked on the university website or on WPConnect for an answer to your question? Have you googled your question?

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