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2 Courage A quality of mind that enables one to face or to challenge a stronger force.

3 Courage Examples of courage: Shadrach, Meshach, Abednigo (Daniel 3) Esther 17th Century Martyrs

4 How do we obtain courage?
Through strength given by God! Is. 40:29-31; Ps. 18: 29-34; Ps. 21:1,3 The presence of God! Rom. 8:31-35; Is. 52:12; Josh. 1: 9 If we place our faith and trust in the Lord, then He will give us strength, which will give us courage to face trials.

5 Why do we need courage? Courage Defending our faith
1 Peter 3: 15-16 To resist the devil Eph. 6: 11-16 To live a life of holiness 1 Peter 2: 9-10 To get us get to heaven! Matt. 7: 13; Philippians 4:13

6 Why do we need courage? Courage Because courage is contagious!
Acts 8: 1-4

7 Courage of Jonathan (1 Sam. 14)
Courage is the determination to be brave when we meet difficult circumstances. He was willing to be brave because God was with him (vs. 6) He had courage because he had encouragement. (vs. 7)

8 Courage of Jonathan (1 Sam. 14)
His courage was contagious (vs ) “Courage is contagious. It stiffens men’s spines.”

9 Courage In conclusion, we as Christians MUST have courage! Be strong and courageous…for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.

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