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with “Rikki-tikki-tavi” by Rudyard Kipling

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1 with “Rikki-tikki-tavi” by Rudyard Kipling
Week 4 vocabulary with “Rikki-tikki-tavi” by Rudyard Kipling

2 revive I hope that the new batteries will revive the lifeless toy for the crying baby.
POS: verb Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: to return to life or consciousness Synonyms: recover, rejuvenate Antonyms: destroy, deaden

3 cower When the basketball came rushing toward my face, I cowered.
POS: verb Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: crouch or shrink down in fear Synonyms: cringe, crouch, flinch Antonyms: to face, meet

4 fledgling Last summer, I saved a fledgling when it fell from its nest by putting it back for the mother to continue feeding it. POS: noun Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: a young bird that has recently grown flight feathers Synonyms: nestling, novice, apprentice Antonyms: expert, professional

5 gait The lovely horse pranced along through the show; his gait showed off his expensive breed.
POS: noun Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: a manner of walking or moving on foot Synonyms: amble, gallop, march Antonyms: sitting, lay down, stop

6 singe The bar-b-que burst into flames as the grease dripped from the burgers, and my eyebrows were singed. POS: verb Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: to burn lightly Synonyms: blaze, blacken, cook Antonyms: freeze

7 valiant The valiant knight saved the beautiful princess from the fire breathing dragon.
POS: adj. Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: brave; courageous Synonyms: fearless, gallant, heroic Antonyms: afraid, cowardly, fearful

8 consolation Joni hoped a consolation note would make her sister feel better about the passing of her 15 year old dog. POS: noun Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: a comfort Synonyms: relief, compassion Antonyms: mercilessness, agitation, annoyance

9 cunningly The man cunningly placed roses around the house, but the woman was only presented with an anniversary cake. POS: adv. Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: in a clever way that is meant to trick or deceive Synonyms: smoothly, expertly, skillfully Antonyms: awkwardly, clumsily, unskillfully

10 infer In the story, we can infer how Red Riding Hood felt when she realized that the wolf was Grandma. POS: verb Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: reading between the line/ ask yourself “What do I think?” Synonyms: gather, suppose, assume, understand Antonyms: disbelieve, scatter, misunderstand

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