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Presentation to Portfolio Committee Performance of the Department of

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1 Presentation to Portfolio Committee Performance of the Department of
on Home Affairs Performance of the Department of Home Affairs: 21 June 2011 1

2 The Strategic Plan is grounded on three Outcomes
Secured South African citizenship and identity Outcome 2: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development Outcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free

3 THE REPORTING FORMAT Each Outcome is attained by the achievement of measurable objectives linked to specific targets. The Measurable Objectives in the tables that follow are to be achieved within the period 2010 – 2013. The targets are for the financial year 2010 – 2011. Performance is reported against each target, with performance for the last quarter shown as requested. An explanation is given in the “comments” column where a target is not achieved or for clarification.

4 0 – 30 days = 500 524 births registered
TARGET QUARTER 4 PERFORMANCE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE COMMENTS Measurable Objective 1.1: To ensure that registration at birth is the only entry point for South Africans to the National Population Register (NPR) 70% of all new born children registered before their first birthday births were registered (0-1year). . births were registered (0-1year) which is 87% of estimated total births or 17% above target. 0 – 30 days = births registered 100% of LRB applications collected are processed within 90 days The average turnaround time was 90 days LRB application resolved (allocated with ID numbers) = applications finalised (allocated with ID numbers) within targeted turnaround times .

5 TARGET QUARTER 4 PERFORMANCE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE COMMENTS Measurable Objective 1.2: To review the regulatory framework to manage Births, Deaths and Citizenship Births and Deaths Registration Act amended Citizenship Act amended Both Births and Deaths Registration Amendment Act and Citizenship Act were approved in December 2010 and assented by the President. The Births & Deaths Registration Amendment Bill and Citizenship Amendment Bill were assented to and signed by the President. Births and Deaths Regulations amended to make provision for stringent measures (new process) for LRB cases Regulations drafted. Draft regulations finalised The Regulations were dependant on the finalization of the Amended Act and will be approved and implemented during the 2011/12 financial year

6 TARGET QUARTER 4 PERFORMANCE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE COMMENTS Measurable Objective 1.3: To issue Identity Documents (IDs) to all citizens 16 years of age and above 95% of all citizens 16 years and above in possession of birth certificates, reached through outreach campaigns, issued with an ID IDs were issued to applicants 16 years and above with birth certificates IDs were issued to applicants turning 16 years 95% of citizens reached through outreach campaigns, turning 16 years of age, issued with IDs IDs were issued to applicants turning 16 years IDs were issued to applicants turning 16 years

7 TARGET QUARTER 4 PERFORMANCE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE COMMENTS Measurable Objective 1.4: To secure processes and systems to combat fraud and corruption Live capture for passports rolled out to 60 regional and district offices Not achieved Due to a dispute with Gijima no progress could be made with regard to these targets. The new strategic focus was achieving a negotiated settlement. DHA and Gijima have concluded a settlement agreement. Live capture for IDs rolled out in 60 offices (Re-issue) Live capture for IDs rolled out in 5 offices (First issue) 100% of passport capturing offices compliant with new passport process (live capture)

8 TARGET QUARTER 4 PERFORMANCE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE COMMENTS Measurable Objective 1.4: To secure processes and systems to combat fraud and corruption 100% of active duplicate cases resolved (new cases) as per baseline of 3 214 cases finalized finalized Dealt with as persons come forward. Often one person with two ID numbers, one of which is stopped. 90% (29 700) of pending duplicate cases resolved (backlog) as per baseline of resolved with no need to issue ID; and resolved and ID issued resolved with no need to issue ID and resolved and ID issued Total resolved is  E.g., where one number and two persons. One may keep the number so no ID is issued – and the other number may be stopped.

9 TARGET QUARTER 4 PERFORMANCE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE COMMENTS Measurable Objective 1.4: To secure processes and systems to combat fraud and corruption 100% of passport capturing offices compliant with new passport process (live capture) Settlement for concluded with regard to WAIO Contract DHA and the WAIO Service Provider have concluded a settlement agreement. A business case submitted to National Treasury to access the WAIO funding 100% of offices responsible for births, marriages and deaths (BMD) processing compliant with new BMD process (Achieved in previous quarter). Training and new BI forms rolled out and processes complied with.

10 TARGET QUARTER 4 PERFORMANCE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE COMMENTS Measurable Objective 1.5: To integrate key systems and upgrade IT infrastructure for improved security and data integrity 3rd Party verification implemented for SASSA, Department of Human Settlement and SABRIC Memorandum of Understanding (MOU )with SABRIC regarding indemnity MOU with SASSA & SABRIC signed (South African Banking Risk Information Centre) SABRIC connectivity to Bankserve implemented Stress Tests for Commercial Verification was performed The Department of Human Settlement did not meet the readiness requirements

11 TARGET QUARTER 4 PERFORMANCE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE COMMENTS Measurable Objective 1.5: To integrate key systems and upgrade IT infrastructure for improved security and data integrity Refresh of IT equipment for 2000 devices (including 2010 priority ports of entry) completed Annual target achieved in the first 3 quarters 2 462 devices refreshed Installation and line upgrade for data lines in 2010 priority ports of entry (10) and top 15 high volume offices completed Not Achieved 10 Ports of Entry (POE) data lines upgraded (as part of the Enhanced Movement Control System project) No funding was allocated in year under review for high priority offices. The target will now be achieved within various IT projects within the 2011/12 Financial Year.

12 TARGET QUARTER 4 PERFORMANCE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE COMMENTS Measurable Objective 1.5: To integrate key systems and upgrade IT infrastructure for improved security and data integrity Movement Control System (MCS) integrated with National Immigration Information System (NIIS) and Home Affairs National Identification System (HANIS ) NIIS is integrated with HANIS currently what is outstanding is the integration with MCS which is dependent on WAIO contract negotiations Not achieved Resolution of WAIO contract impacted on the rollout of the integration with MCS Settlement reached

13 TARGET QUARTER 4 PERFORMANCE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE COMMENTS Measurable Objective 2.1: DHA effectively contributing to the successful hosting of the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup (SWC) All FIFA guarantees (4) relating to DHA fulfilled by 11 July 2010 Close-out report indicates that the Department met all four guarantees.  Visas to be issued to designated persons. Work permits to be issued to designated persons Priority treatment to be provided for the FIFA delegation, teams and other persons Telecommunications and information technology under the DHA

14 TARGET QUARTER 4 PERFORMANCE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE COMMENTS Measurable Objective 2.2: To implement an integrated immigration management system Amendment of the existing Immigration Regulations of 2007 in terms of Immigration Act (Act 13 of 2002) The Regulations in the process of being approved The Regulations were agreed to by the Immigration Advisory Board and awaits approval. The amendments of the Regulations are awaiting Ministerial approval but has been set aside as it is contingent on the 2010 Immigration Bill awaiting Parliamentary approval Immigration Act amended Immigration Bill of 2010 was voted on and passed by the National Assembly at its second reading and referred to the NCOP for concurrence. Dependent on completion of Parliamentary processes

15 TARGET PERFORMANCE QUARTER 4 COMMENTS Measurable Objective 2.3: To review the policy and regulatory framework to manage economic migration and asylum seekers Refugees Act and Refugee Regulations amended The Refugee Bill was passed by the NCOP and will be referred back to National Assembly for finalisation The Refugees Act was passed by the NCOP and will be referred back to National Assembly for finalisation. Refugee Regulations to be approved in the 2011/2012 financial year. Dependent on completion of Parliamentary processes New Immigration policy developed Policy research and discussion within government. Immigration Policy not developed. Still at the phase of research and discussion within government, The draft policy paper will be developed in the 2011/12 financial year as the basis of engagement with relevant stakeholders and further development of policy in specific areas

16 TARGET PERFORMANCE QUARTER 4 COMMENTS Measurable Objective 2.4: To participate in and contribute towards the establishment and functioning of a Border Management Agency (BMA) DHA Position Paper on BMA developed Position Paper approved by DHA and submitted to NICOC Border Management Agency (BMA) still under discussion at JCPS Cluster level Measurable Objective 2.5: To develop a Framework for a Risk Based Immigration Management Approach Framework established for risk based approach, linked to system development such as permitting, movement control and APP Risk-Based Immigration Methodology approved in principle at the second Department Retreat Risk-Based Immigration Methodology approved in principle.

17 TARGET PERFORMANCE QUARTER 4 COMMENTS Measurable Objective 3.1: To improve leadership capacity and capability Coaching clinics for supervisors in the Department (Level ) developed A suitable service provider could not be appointed Draft Coaching clinics Framework was developed 3 leadership development interventions implemented Leadership alignment workshop implemented 93 of 118 SMS members attended 3 Leadership development interventions were implemented 400 front office supervisors (CS and IMS collectively) trained in management of customer services 15 managers out of 100 were trained in a Management of Customer Service Pilot. 15 managers out of 400 were trained on a Management of Customer Service Pilot. Internal procurement processes could not be finalised during the financial year, however the programme was piloted in five offices in Gauteng. Feedback from the pilot will be used for the nation wide rollout

18 TARGET PERFORMANCE QUARTER 4 COMMENTS Measurable Objective 3.1: To improve leadership capacity and capability 1000 front office officials (CS and IMS collectively) trained in customer services 75 officials out of 300 trained in customer service pilot 75 officials out of 1000 trained in customer service pilot Internal procurement processes could not be finalised during the financial year, however the programme was piloted in five offices in Gauteng. Feedback from the pilot will be used for the nation wide rollout

19 TARGET PERFORMANCE QUARTER 4 COMMENTS Measurable Objective 3.1: To improve leadership capacity and capability 1000 front office (CS and IMS collectively) officials trained in operational excellence (uniform processes) 380 officials were trained in operational excellence (uniform processes) 1 007 officials were trained in operational excellence (uniform processes) 657 Civic Services 350 Immigration Services 1000 employees trained in identified needs-based interventions 10 Public Service Induction 17 DHA Induction 12 Computer training TOTAL: 39 1 622 officials trained in needs-based interventions

20 TARGET PERFORMANCE QUARTER 4 COMMENTS Measurable Objective 3.2: To ensure ethical conduct and a zero tolerance approach to corruption Baseline study conducted on causes and scope of corruption in DHA Baseline study completed and recommendations finalised Baseline study conducted (draft) on causes and scope of corruption in DHA and scope completed A draft baseline document/report on causes and scope of corruption is available Awaiting approval from all the roleplayers Vetting backlog reduced by 25% of baseline (2175) 297 vetting investigations conducted 404 out of a target of vetting investigations were conducted to date Establishment of the Security Advisory Committee to ensure grading of posts, to enable a structured approach to vetting

21 TARGET PERFORMANCE QUARTER 4 COMMENTS Measurable Objective 3.2: To ensure ethical conduct and a zero tolerance approach to corruption Birth, marriage and death (BMD) and Permit processes security certified and verified Processes have been evaluated but not submitted to State Security Agency because of anticipated changes in legislation All the processes have been evaluated Because of pending legislative changes, a decision was therefore taken to carry the target over to the 2011/2012 Financial year 50% increase in number of DHA physical facilities compliant with MISS and MPSS against baseline (189) 49 of DHA physical facilities compliant with MISS and MPSS 130 out of 189 Staff turnover resulted in shortages The appointment of Control Security Officers (CSOs) in all provinces was prioritized. 70% of misconduct cases finalized within an average of 60 days 60% of misconduct cases finalised within an average of 60 days. 68% of misconduct cases were finalised within an average of 60 days

Measurable Objective 3.3: To obtain a clean audit report Unqualified audit report Finance and SCM policies compliant with PFMA implemented Interim Financial Statement submitted to National Treasury on 31 January 2011 An updated property lease register completed and budgeted for A consolidated finance lease register is compiled for incorporation into the AFS A project team is working on finalising the departmental asset register by 31 May 2011 Procedures were implemented that are compliant to PFMA and Treasury Regulations All interim financial statements were submitted to National Treasury An asset management project was established

Measurable Objective 3.3: To obtain a clean audit report Procurement delegated to provincial managers Roll out not achieved due to asset register unreadiness SCM roadshows, site readiness assessement, SCM training were done for all Provinces. LOGIS infrastructure has been setup in five Provinces. Delays in finalizing the Asses Register delayed the rollout of Logistical Information System (LOGIS) Delegations have been drafted and will be approved and implemented in the financial year Payments delegated to provincial managers Supply Chain Management (SCM ) road shows, site readiness assessment, SCM training were done for all Provinces. LOGIS infrastructure has been setup in five Provinces. Draft delegations Delays in Finalizing the Asses Register delayed the rollout of Logistical Information System (LOGIS) legations have been drafted and will be implemented in the financial year Programme and responsibility managers enabled to shift funds between standard items Training has been conducted for the two identified pilot provinces (Gauteng and Mpumalanga) on the shifting of funds function Appointment of Responsibility Managers Training conducted on Basic Accounting System (BAS) This deliverable was deferred to next financial year to enable additional controls to be put in place.

24 TARGET PERFORMANCE QUARTER 4 COMMENTS Measurable Objective 3.4: To increase capacity to contribute to the fight against cyber crime IT security policies developed that cover access and use of information. IT Security Policies including Cyber Crime policy available Cyber Crime Policy available

25 TARGET PERFORMANCE QUARTER 4 COMMENTS Measurable Objective 3.5: To develop and implement service delivery standards to improve operational efficiency Baseline absenteeism rate reduced by 1% Reduce absenteeism of officials by a further 1% Training on absenteeism management conducted for 101 employees against the planned 150 of employees on salary level 8-12 (67%) Absenteeism reduced by 1% - absenteeism rate is at 0.12% against the acceptable norm of 2.25% Reviewed and approved National HR Plan implemented with regard to 1 key priority based on the outcome of the HR Planning process Key performance indicators for implementation of approved Provincial HRP developed and approved KPI for implementation of Leadership was development developed and monitored

26 TARGET PERFORMANCE QUARTER 4 COMMENTS Measurable Objective 3.6: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients 10 Additional service delivery points opened (leases) One office was opened (Maponya Mall) Ten offices were opened Strategy developed for acquiring of service delivery points No activity reported in this quarter A strategy was developed and incorporated in a plan that was presented to National Treasury Refurbishment of 30 offices Twenty-three offices were refurbished Twenty four (24) offices were refurbished: Barrack Street (CT), Middleberg, Komatipoort, Pietermaritzburg, Delmas, Springbok, Lusikisiki, Durban, Ladysmith, Harrismith, TH Nxamala/ Lindela, Jane Furse, Kimberley, Postmasburg, Cradock, Somerset East, Eshowe, Greytown, Barberton, Plettenberg Bay, Belfast, Carolina, Viljoenskroon, Heilbron Six of the offices scheduled for completion in 2010/11 received handover certificates in April 2011, which falls in the 2011/12 Financial year.

27 TARGET PERFORMANCE QUARTER 4 COMMENTS Measurable Objective 3.6: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients 2 New offices acquired No new buildings were acquired No new buildings were completed within the financial year. Applications for IDs (First issues) processed and IDs issued within 55 days - on average IDs are issued within 78,36 days on average IDs were issued in 60,5 days on average during 2010/11 Prolonged public sector strike Power outage due to the theft of electricity cables in the Pretoria CBD System problems following the introduction of photo-digitization Applications for IDs (Re- issues) processed and IDs issued within 35 days - on average 56.29 days on average

28 TARGET PERFORMANCE QUARTER 4 COMMENTS Measurable Objective 3.6: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients Applications for machine readable passports processed and passports issued within 10 days - on average 24 days on average (manual) 15 days on average (live capture) 24 days on average (manual) days on average (live Capture) The rollout of live capture did not take place as planned Prolonged public sector strike Printing problems at the Government Printing Works that have been resolved

29 TARGET PERFORMANCE QUARTER 4 COMMENTS Measurable Objective 3.6: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients Sections 22 permits issued within 1 day - on average The great majority of Section 22 permits are issued in one day. System is being refined to enable turn-around times to be measured accurately. First instance status determination finalised within 6 months - on average The process (sometimes including appeals) is lengthy and usually longer than six months. Status Determination Committees will be established at Refugee Reception Offices There will be decentralisation of the Refugees Appeals Authority (RAA); Discussions at SADC on regional approach to asylum seekers and refugees management 90 days for issuance of a Refugee ID - on average 292 Refugee ID printed and issued 2 953 Refugee ID were issued as first issue and re-issue

30 TARGET PERFORMANCE QUARTER 4 COMMENTS Measurable Objective 3.6: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients Travellers cleared within 1.5 – 2 minutes Travellers currently within processing time and clearing travellers within 30 seconds at upgraded MCS installed Ports of Entry 6 months for issuance of a permanent residence permit - on average Issued: 986 Issued: Not achieved Months on average to issue The number does not reflect all permits issued in the reporting period, but those in the Track and Trace System which became fully utilised from July 2010 Project Team has been established which cleared the Permitting Backlog and successfully completed the Centralisation of Permits at the end of the financial year.

31 TARGET PERFORMANCE QUARTER 4 COMMENTS Measurable Objective 3.6: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients 4 weeks for issuance of a temporary residence permit (work, business, corporate) - on average Issued Work permits: 7894 Business Permits: 502 Corporate Permits: 363 Total issued Work permits: Business permit: Corporate permit: The number does not reflect all permits issued in the reporting period; but only those in the Track and Trace System which was fully utilised from July 2010 A Project Team has been established which cleared the Permitting Backlog and successfully completed the centralisation of permitting at the end of the financial year.

32 TARGET PERFORMANCE QUARTER 4 COMMENTS Measurable Objective 3.6: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients 1 week for issuance of a temporary residence permit (study, treaty, exchange, retired) - on average Issued: Study Permits: 6272 Treaty Permits: 69 Retired Persons Permits: 209 Exchange permits: 17 Total Issued Study Permits: Treaty Permits: 147 Retired Persons Permits: 594 Exchange permits: 74 A Project Team has been established which cleared the Permitting Backlog and successfully completed the Centralisation of Permits at the end of the financial year The numbers reflect permits in the Track and Trace System which became fully utilised from July 2010 10 days for issuance of a temporary residence permit (intra-company transfer permit) - on average Other permits Issued 982 20 574 Total issued Total Issued

33 Major additional activities to note
Reaching a settlement with Gijima/ Ast that prevented a large potential loss to the state and enabled a number of critical projects to go forward. The Documentation of Zimbabweans Project resulted in over Zimbabweans applying for work, business and study permits by the deadline of 31 December 2010. Stakeholder forums were established in over 90% of municipalities and at metro and provincial levels.

34 Questions and Comments

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