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Is Your Math Instruction Built on Empirically Validated Progression?

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Presentation on theme: "Is Your Math Instruction Built on Empirically Validated Progression?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Is Your Math Instruction Built on Empirically Validated Progression?
Accelerated Math Live Is Your Math Instruction Built on Empirically Validated Progression? Presented by: Christy Adams, Lora Dawkins, Vonda Winter FETC, January 2017 MECA 2014

2 Located in a rural northeast MS community near Columbus Air Force Base
1,110 students (Pre-K to 5th Grade) 12 % IEP and 22% Gifted Students 82% white, 14% African American, 3% Hispanic, 1% other School wide Title I 45 % Free & Reduced Lunch 151 Staff Members School Library which shelves 12,993 books CES Demographics

3 CES Achievements & Accomplishments
A, STAR, Level 5 School from to school years National Blue Ribbon School 2014 Renaissance Model/Master School in Reading since 1996 Renaissance Model/Master School in Math since 2000 First Renaissance Model Reading School in Mississippi SACS Accredited PREPS Value Added Award in Math CES Achievements & Accomplishments

4 Accelerated Math (AM) Live
Math practice program for grades K – 12 that provides teachers with a supplemental tool allowing them to create personalized lessons, differentiated instruction, and to monitor student progress. Accelerated Math (AM) Live

5 Effective Practice Principles
Dedicate time to practice Provide the appropriate amount of practice at the right level Practice what you need to practice until you know it Instruction informs practice, and practice informs instruction Practice boosts confidence Review cements learning Implement the effective practice cycle: Effective Practice Principles

6 Offers a variety of options for teaching in an interactive, technology based classroom environment that engages students through making instruction more efficient, allowing for flexible grouping, options to adjust groups, and monitoring daily progress while building math confidence. Why use AM Live?

7 Key Components Both Internet Based and Paper/Pencil Based
Individualized for Student Understanding Provides Flexibility Assesses Student Understanding Provides Resources to Teachers and Students Meets criteria for Tier Interventions Aligned to the Common Core State Standards Offers a Variety of Reports Provides Technical Support Provides opportunities for students to collaborate Key Components

8 AM for Intervention Research-based intervention program
Enables teachers to identify and address gaps in critical skills Provides targeted instruction with differentiated practice Increases student engagement and motivation Uses formative assessment to collect usable data Provides and identifies focus skills in order for teachers to address individual student needs AM for Intervention

9 Flexible Grouping

10 Adjusting Groups

11 My Dashboard

12 The Key to It

13 *STAR/AM *ELS Compass Learning Fast Forword Data Analysis at CES

14 District Wide ELS Pre/Post Tests (grade 2 included at school level only)
Common Assessments each nine weeks (LA, Math, 5th Science) Skill specific weekly tests (LA, Math, 5th Science) Universal Screening – Fall, Winter, Spring Progress Monitoring through STAR CES Assessment Plan

15 Manually create Groups in STAR including subgroups (IEP, ED, Black, White, LP25%, MERIT)
Constantly update enrollment of groups throughout the school year Frequently review and analyze group performance Use screening reports to determine performance levels within the group Provide Performance Level/Scale Score, and SGP Growth results to teachers Provide information on Lower Performing 25% to teachers on all assessments Provide immediate feedback to teachers to determine instruction/remediation for all students Identify “bubble” students to determine individual action plans using instructional planning Compare to previous year’s MAP results Monitoring Data

16 Screening & Planning

17 Reports

18 Expectations at CES AR & AM is used school wide
9 week goals are set for students based on STAR results and 60 minute goal chart All teachers are expected to obtain model & master status Status of the Class Expectations at CES

19 Motivation/Rewards Semester Rewards for students who made their goal
Students receive prizes after completing certifications Honors Reading & Math Students are rewarded for showing growth on STAR Universal Screener A school parade Motivation/Rewards

20 Data Wall MECA 2014

21 Caledonia Elementary 662-356-2050
Christy Adams, AP Lora Dawkins, STC Vonda Winter, TAC Caledonia Elementary Roger D. Hill, Principal Contact Information

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