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Fig 12.28b Meninges.

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Presentation on theme: "Fig 12.28b Meninges."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fig 12.28b Meninges

2 Meningeal Spaces Fig 12.28a

3 Meninges & Spaces Fig 12.22

4 Spaces between meninges see Figs 12.28a and 12.22
1) Epidural space space between dura mater and perisoteum of vertebrae exists around spinal cord, but not around brain 2) Subdural space space between dura mater and the arachnoid mater exists around brain but not around spinal cord 3) Subarachnoid space space between arachnoid mater and pia mater exists around brain and spinal cord filled with CSF –extends to S2

5 Neurons (Nerve Cells) (multipolar shape)
Fig 11.4

6 Neuronal Networks From web

7 Neurons (Nerve Cells) (multipolar shape)
Fig 11.4

8 Myelination Fig 11.5

9 Neurons make up CNS & PNS
Fig 11.2

10 White Matter vs. Gray Matter
Fig 12.28b White Matter vs. Gray Matter

11 Pathways for impulses Fig 12.29

12 Tracts: Ascending Fig 12.31

13 Blank slides for Q&A








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