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Presentation on theme: "RBHBrnwgFøak;mkmYyem²"— Presentation transcript:

1 RBHBrnwgFøak;mkmYyem²
RBHBrnwgFøak;mkmYyem² There Shall Be Showers of Blessing

2 1-RBHBr nwg Føak; mk mYy em mYy em>>
enHRBHGgÁ RTg; snüa>>ehIy>> nwg man Ca eBl lM ehIy citþ>> pg>> mkBIRTg;»RBHGgÁeGIy>>> 1-There shall be showers of blessing This is the promise of love There shall be seasons refreshing, Sent from the Saviour above

3 bnÞr-»>>>RBH d¾ man>>Br>>¬»RBHGgÁsUmRBHBrpg¦
eyIg ´ RtUv kar Br RBHGgÁ>>>> man Føak; mk Rswb² [ )an>>esIm>> sUm bg¥úr mYy em mk pg>>> . R-Showers of blessing, (Showers, showers of blessing) Showers of blessing we need Mercy drops round us are falling, But for the showers we please.

4 2-RBH Br nwg Føak; mk mYy em mYy em>>
[ man citþ s¥at brisuT§>>> ehIy rac say ecj dl; eK Ég>> pg>> eday RBHGgÁ eR)as tam snµt;>> 2-There shall be showers of blessing Precious reviving again Over the hills and the valleys, Sound of abundance of rain

5 bnÞr-»>>>RBH d¾ man>>Br>>¬»RBHGgÁsUmRBHBrpg¦
eyIg ´ RtUv kar Br RBHGgÁ>>>> man Føak; mk Rswb² [ )an>>esIm>> sUm bg¥úr mYy em mk pg>>> . R-Showers of blessing, (Showers, showers of blessing) Showers of blessing we need Mercy drops round us are falling, But for the showers we please.

6 3-RBH Br nwg Føak; mk mYy em mYy em>>
eR)as [ )an eBj RBH ecsþa>> eday RBH viBaØaN RTg; mk s>>Næit>>> [ eyIg ´ man citþ ]sSah¾>>> 3-There shall be showers of blessing Send them upon us O Lord Grant to us now a refreshing, Come, and now honor Thy Won

7 bnÞr-»>>>RBH d¾ man>>Br>>¬»RBHGgÁsUmRBHBrpg¦
eyIg ´ RtUv kar Br RBHGgÁ>>>> man Føak; mk Rswb² [ )an>>esIm>> sUm bg¥úr mYy em mk pg>>> . R-Showers of blessing, (Showers, showers of blessing) Showers of blessing we need Mercy drops round us are falling, But for the showers we please.

8 4-RBH Br nwg Føak; mk mYy em mYy em>>>
sUm [ Føak; mk éf¶ enH Ég>>> eyIg ´ ln; tY dl; RBH GgÁ>>> eGIy>>> sUm RTg; mk eR)as citþ hYt Ehg>>> There shall be showers of blessing: Oh, that today they might fall Now as to God we’re confessing, Now as on Jesus we call.

9 bnÞr-»>>>RBH d¾ man>>Br>>¬»RBHGgÁsUmRBHBrpg¦
eyIg ´ RtUv kar Br RBHGgÁ>>>> man Føak; mk Rswb² [ )an>>esIm>> sUm bg¥úr mYy em mk pg>>> . R-Showers of blessing, (Showers, showers of blessing) Showers of blessing we need Mercy drops round us are falling, But for the showers we please.

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