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ECEN5553 Telecom Systems Dr

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1 ECEN5553 Telecom Systems Dr
ECEN5553 Telecom Systems Dr. George Scheets Week #7 Read [11a] "More Signs Point to Cyberattack" thru [11d] "How to Hijack a Journal" [12a] "Browse at Your Own Risk" [12b] "The Data Brokers: Selling Your Personal Info" [13a] "Bitcoin Busts" [13b] "Hacking Your Phone" [13c] "How Strangers can Hack the Phone in your Pocket" Outline: Lecture 22, 5 October (Live) No later than 12 October (Remote DL) Exam #2: 24 October (Live & Local DL) No Later than 31 October (Remote DL)

2 Outlines Received due 5 October (local) 12 October (remote)
41 %

3 Carrier Leased Line Network
Trunks Byte Aware Leased Line Cross-Connect Carrier reserves BW from pool for our use. Ex) For a 384 Kbps connection, Cross-Connects assign 6 byte sized TDM time slots 8000 times/second = 6*8*8000 = 384 Kbps.

4 Internet Service Provider Backbone
Trunks Packet Aware Leased Line Router ISP Routers assign BW for our use on Random, as needed basis via StatMux & Packet Switching.

5 Internet Service Provider Network
LAN PC Trunks Leased Line Router LAN Corporate customers might attach via Edge Router & Leased Lines. WS

6 Internet (Inside the Cloud)
Infinite Buffers "OK" so long as Average Offered Input Rate < Output Line Speed Internet Router 100 Mbps Trunk ?? Mbps Connections P(Access Line is Active) = 10% How many access lines can this switch support? 100 Mbps/154 Kbps = 649 (theoretically)

7 Internet (Inside the Cloud)
Negligible Buffers OK so long as Instantaneous Offered Input Rate < Output Line Speed Internet Router 100 Mbps Trunk ?? Mbps Connections P(Access Line is Active) = 10% How many access lines can this switch support? With 404 users, 99.99% sure Input Rate < Line Speed

8 Bounds on Packet Switch Carrying Capacity 100 Mbps Trunk, 1
Bounds on Packet Switch Carrying Capacity Mbps Trunk, 1.54 Mbps Inputs with 154 Kbps average loads Lower Upper 90% % % % Instantaneous Input < Line Speed Where switch could operate Where switch probably operates

9 Queue Size: Correlated vs Uncorrelated Identical Loads (traffic carried/line speed)
mean(queue)=135.6 The negligible buffer analysis does not account for long term bursts. Correlated: Long Term Bursts mean(queue)=32.80 Real world switches have finite buffers. Required size to prevent dropped packets depends on length of burst. Uncorrelated: Random Input

10 Carrier Leased Line Network
LAN PC Trunks Byte Aware Leased Line Cross-Connect LAN Corporate customers might attach via Edge Router & Leased Lines. WS

11 Leased Lines (TDM) 2 1 Leased Line Cross-Connect 1 2
3 2 1 Leased Line Cross-Connect 3 2 1 3 2 1 TDM time slots are moved from input to output TDM switch is not "packet aware" Time slots are allocated whether or not there is any traffic on them

12 Circuit Switched connections waste bandwidth for bursty traffic.
NYC to OKC 1.54 Mbps Line Speed 146 Kbps Average time Idle Time >> Active Time

13 Leased Lines (Inside the Cloud)
Example Leased Line Cross-Connect 100 Mbps Trunk ?? Mbps Connections P(Access Line is Active) = 10% How many access lines can this switch support? 64 (100% input bps < trunk bps)

14 Given 100 Mbps of Bandwidth...
Mbps Circuit Switched TDM Customers with Kbps average load & % availability Mbps Packet Switched StatMux Customers with Kbps average load & % availability 64 x 154 Kbps = 9.856 Mbps 404 x 154 Kbps = 62.22 Mbps More Bursty Data Traffic can be moved with the Packet Switched StatMux network.

15 Switched Network Carrying Capacities
Capacity Packet Switch StatMux Circuit Switch TDM 0% Bursty % Bursty 100% Fixed Rate % Fixed Rate Offered Load

16 Network Cost... Can be spread over 64 Leased Line customers
Can be spread over 404 Internet customers The Internet Is a Packet Switched StatMux network Largely hauling bursty data traffic Effectively hauling bursty data traffic Inexpensive (compared to a Leased Line)

17 Internet Performance Trunk Offered Load
This type of plot valid for all real world full duplex statistically multiplexed switches: Ethernet, Internet, Frame Relay Number of dropped packets Average Delay for delivered packets 0% % Trunk Offered Load

18 Internet Performance Effect of priorities
Average Delay for low priority packets Average Delay for all delivered packets high priority packets 0% % Trunk Offered Load

19 Internet Performance Effect of priorities
Number of low priority drops Number of dropped packets high priority drops 0% % Trunk Offered Load

20 Internet Backbone Engineering
Option A) Deploy ‘best effort’ Routers Rapidly Deploy Trunk Bandwidth Keep Trunks Lightly Loaded Delays will be small Dropped packets will be few Quality fine for all traffic

21 Backbone Engineering: Option A
Number of dropped packets Average Delay for delivered packets 0% % Keep Trunks Lightly Loaded

22 Internet Backbone Engineering
Option B) Deploy more complex QoS enabled Routers Deploy fewer, more heavily loaded Trunks Give preferential treatment to interactive Voice/Video Option A seems to be preferred today

23 Backbone Engineering: Option B High Priority delay at 50% Load = Delay for all traffic at 20% Load
Average Delay for low priority packets Average Delay for all delivered packets high priority packets 0% % Heavier Trunk Load

24 Frame Relay ANSI Standard covering OSI Layer 2 Accessed by Routers
Derived from X.25 Protocol Dumps almost all error checking Requires fiber on the long haul Uses Virtual Circuits (VC’s) VC differs from Datagram Path thru network set up in advance Requires Carrier intervention

25 Frame Relay 1st Commercial Deployment 1990
WilTel → Worldcom→ bankrupt → Verizon Cheaper alternative to Leased Lines Faster alternative to X.25 Internet a small network in 1990 Academia Military Some commercial traffic See CUCKOO'S EGG to get a flavor

26 Frame Relay 7 Application 6 Presentation 5 Session TCP 4 Transport TCP
3 Network IP 2 Data Link Frame Relay 1 Physical

27 Frame Relay Committed Information Rate (CIR) Is a Quality of Service Guarantee "Guaranteed" minimum Bandwidth Should be set > average traffic during appropriate peak period Port Connection Speed a.k.a. Port Speed or Burst Speed Bandwidth you can burst to provided network capacity exists. Set = Bit Rate of Access Line

28 Frame Relay Packet Format
Data + Padding up to 8, IP TCP FR Header Trailer Header includes 10 bit Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI) - Locally Unique (FR ports) Trailer includes 2 byte CRC Sequence that only checks Header I/O decisions based on FR address & look-up table.

29 Frame Relay Backbone Trunks Leased Line FR Switch Frame Relay ‘Cloud’
Aware Leased Line FR Switch Frame Relay ‘Cloud’ Full Duplex Trunks use StatMux & Packet Switching

30 Frame Relay Format I/O Decision based on DLCI & Look-up Table.
up to 8, FR Header FR Trailer IP TCP Data + Padding I/O Decision based on DLCI & Look-up Table. Header & Trailer usually swapped out. Look Up Table Format: DLCI ww received on port x? Output on port y with DLCI zz.

31 Frame Relay Customer Cost
Port Speed (a.k.a. Port Connection Speed) Line speed of attachment to carrier network For each Virtual Circuit Distance (not all carriers charged for this) CIR (bit rate carrier seeks to guarantee) Full Duplex (same CIR in each direction) Simplex (different CIR's in each direction)

32 Ex) Frame Relay Corporate Connectivity
Detroit VC, OKC - Detroit Carrier Frame Relay Network OKC (Hub) VC, NYC - OKC NYC Router Local Carriers dedicate bandwidth to our use. Carrier provides random Packet Switched StatMux connectivity via VC’s.

33 Ex) Frame Relay with Internet
Detroit ISP VC, OKC - Detroit Carrier Frame Relay Network OKC VC, NYC - OKC NYC Router Local Carriers dedicate bandwidth to our use. Carrier provides random Packet Switched StatMux connectivity via VC’s.

34 Frame Relay End-to-End Delay Internet ≈ Frame Relay > equivalent sized Leased Line Network Cost Tendency Internet < Frame Relay < equivalent sized Leased Line Network

35 Worldwide Frame Relay Revenues
Sources: Data Communications Network World Business Communications Network Strategy Partners Wavesmith Networks $17B in 2006 Declining. $6.25B ‘98 $8.00B ‘99 $10.5B ‘00 $12.7B ‘01 $0.08B ‘93 $15.4B ‘02 $21B ‘04 $16.7B ‘03 $0.23B ‘94 $0.65B ‘95 $1.28B ‘96 $3.87B ‘97

36 U.S. Frame Relay Service Sprint Verizon AT&T Shut Down
As of 2 January 2009 no new FR customers As of 1 February 2013 Existing customers cannot make changes Existing customers cannot renew service AT&T Still supporting current customers Turning off system 30 April 2016 Source: &

37 Internet Service Provider Backbone
Trunks Leased Line B C ISP Router ISP ‘Cloud’ Full Duplex Trunks use StatMux & Packet Switching

38 THEN: ISP using Frame Relay VC's for Trunk Connections
Router FR Trunks FR VC C Leased Line ISP Trunk FR Switch B Frame Relay ‘Cloud’

39 NOW: ISP using Leased Lines for Trunk Connections
Router Trunks C Circuit Leased Line ISP Trunk Cross Connect Circuit Switched TDM B

40 NOW: ISP using Light Waves for Trunk Connections
Router Trunks C Circuit Fiber Optics ISP Trunk Optical Switch B

41 Frame Relay Backbone A Trunks Leased Line B C FR Switch

42 THEN: FR using Leased Lines for Trunk Connections
FR Switch A Trunks C Circuit Leased Line ISP Trunk Cross Connect B

43 Recently: Frame Relay using MPLS VC's for Trunk Connections
ISP Router FR Switch ISP Trunks MPLS VC C Leased Line FR Trunk B ISP ‘Cloud’

44 Frame Relay as a Corporate Backbone...
More Secure than the Commodity Internet Can move a lot of data rapidly (if you pay for proper CIR and burst rate) Is marginal for moving time sensitive traffic Generally Cheaper for data than Leased Lines Fewer access lines required Backbone has higher Carrying Capacity

45 Frame Relay QoS DE bit used by FR switches to police network
Traffic > CIR enters switch in a 1 second interval? Marked DE If you are behaving and other users exceed their CIR’s and FR switch becomes congested then other users’ traffic gets dumped 1st your traffic is protected. Helps shelter you from behavior of others

46 Commodity Internet Performance
Number of dropped packets Average Delay for delivered packets 0% % Trunk Offered Load

47 Frame Relay Performance
Number of dropped packets* Average Delay for delivered packets 0% % Trunk Offered Load *Dashed: If we are transmitting at > CIR Solid: Provided we are transmitting at < CIR Some protection from behavior of others. Internet priorities provide somewhat similar effect.

48 Ex) Frame Relay More Secure than Internet
Detroit ISP PVC, OKC - Detroit Carrier Frame Relay Network Company X OKC PVC, NYC - OKC NYC Company X Cannot access us thru FR net. Router Can get at us thru Internet.

49 ATM 7 Application 6 Presentation 5 Session TCP 4 Transport TCP
3 Network IP 2 Data Link ATM 1 Physical

50 ATM Widely deployed in mid-90's
Touted as the Network of the Future Chops all traffic into fixed size 53B cells 5B overhead 48B traffic Compromise Data folks wanted larger size Voice folks wanted smaller size

51 Layer 3-7 information AAL Overhead
ATM Cell Format ATM Header Layer 3-7 information AAL Overhead Carrier ATM Core Header includes: 28 Bits of Addressing Information 3 Bit Payload Type (Priorities) 1 Bit Cell Loss Priority (similar to FR DE bit) 8 Bits Header Error Control

52 StatMux ATM Version 1 empty (53B slots) 2 1 3 empty time 1
Different channels use all of the frequency some of the time, at random, as needed. frequency 1 empty (53B slots) 2 Can also use TDM. 1 3 empty time 1

53 ATM uses Cell Switching
MULTIPLEXING StatMux TDM FDM Circuit SWITCHING Packet Cell X X ATM uses Cell Switching

54 ATM Used Virtual Circuits No Error Checking of payload
Needs fiber on long haul Designed to move all types of traffic Reduces size of physical plant Eases maintenance problems Unless system crashes!

55 Three reasons to consider ATM in the 1990's...
Your network is moving mixed traffic You get a good deal $$$$ You need sheer SPEED This was the case on carrier networks

56 ATM on the carrier backbone...
Your network is moving mixed traffic yes in 90's (voice & data) not so true in early 00's (data) becoming true in late 00's (data & video) becoming not so true in early 10's (video) You need sheer SPEED yes in 90's, not true now You get a good deal $$$$ competitive in 90's, R&D has stopped

57 StatMux/TDM, Cell Switched Network, Full Duplex Trunks.
ATM Backbone Trunks Cell Aware Leased Line ATM Switch StatMux/TDM, Cell Switched Network, Full Duplex Trunks.

58 ATM at the desktop... Your network is moving mixed traffic
No. Moving mostly data. You need sheer SPEED No. Ethernet is fast enough. You get a good deal $$$$ No. Ethernet is cheaper.

59 Virtual Circuit Set Up MPLS, Frame Relay, ATM, Carrier Ethernet
Client requests connectivity from Carrier Provides endpoints Specifies Service Level Agreement desired Carrier arranges for connectivity to POP Routing algorithm determines path through network Appropriate Switches Notified Look Up Tables Updated

60 ATM VC Classes of Service
Constant Bit Rate (CBR) Leased Line emulation Fixed Rate voice & video Variable Bit Rate- Real Time (VBR-RT) Interactive, variable rate, voice & video Variable Bit Rate- non Real Time (VBR-nRT) Non-Interactive, variable rate, voice & video Available Bit Rate (ABR) Data traffic needing guaranteed bandwidth Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR) Data traffic flying standby

61 ATM VC Classes of Service
Delivery Rate Constant Variable Delivery Delay Low High Ability to Burst None A Lot CBR VBR-RT VBR-nRT ABR UBR Cost Hi Low Priority Hi Low

62 The Internet Viewpoint in the 90's
ATM's Ability to nail down paths (VC's) Ability to prioritize traffic (5 CoS) Ability to reserve switch resources Trunk BW & Switch Buffer Space Too Complex!! Internet Simpler technique is way to go Treat all traffic the same

63 Today: Internet starting to look a lot like ATM
Ability to nail down paths (MPLS) Ability to prioritize traffic (DiffServ) Not used on Commodity Internet Used on carrier VoIP networks Used for some intra-corporate traffic Ability to reserve switch resources Not used on Internet Scalable version of RSVP needed

64 Switched Network Carrying Capacities
Capacity Packet Switch StatMux Cell Switch StatMux Circuit Switch TDM 0% Bursty % Bursty 100% Fixed Rate % Fixed Rate Offered Traffic Mix

65 OSU Campus Network ('95 - '01) OneNet OC-3, then OC-12 Trunks
802.3 LAN LAN OC-3, then OC-12 Trunks 802.3 LAN 802.3 LAN ATM Switch LAN LAN ATM-Ethernet Switch

66 OSU Campus Network (> 2001)
OneNet Ethernet Switch 802.3 LAN LAN 1 Gbps Ethernet 802.3 LAN 802.3 LAN Routers LAN LAN

67 OSU Campus Network (2007) OneNet Ethernet Switch 1 &10 Gbps Ethernet
802.3 LAN LAN 1 &10 Gbps Ethernet 802.3 LAN 802.3 LAN Routers LAN LAN

68 OSU Campus Network (2015) OneNet Ethernet Switch 10 & 20 Gbps Ethernet
802.3 LAN LAN 10 & 20 Gbps Ethernet 802.3 LAN 802.3 LAN Routers LAN LAN

69 ATM Bombed at the desktop (LAN) Succeeded on the WAN
Most Carrier Networks now Decommissioned Still in use on some ADSL access networks RIP

70 Carrier Leased Line Backbone
Trunks Byte Aware Leased Line Cross-Connect TDM, Circuit Switched Network, Full Duplex Trunks. Access lines mostly attach to routers, FR switches, TD Muxes, & cross connects of other carriers.

71 WAN Connectivity Options
Leased Line Network Switches are byte aware I/O decisions on a byte-by-byte basis Could be considered a "Layer 1.5" device Circuit… Dedicated resources Routing thru system determined in advance … is assigned trunk BW via TDM BW required is based on peak input rates Pricing a function of distance & peak rate

72 Internet Service Provider Backbone
Trunks Packet Aware Leased Line Router StatMux, Packet Switched Network, Full Duplex Trunks. Access lines mostly attach to corporate routers & routers of other ISP’s.

73 WAN Connectivity Options
Internet Switches are packet aware I/O decisions use Layer 3 Internet Protocol address Datagrams … Each packet individually routed …are assigned trunk BW via StatMux BW required based more so on average input rates Commodity Internet Pricing a function of connection size SLA Enabled Internet (Corporate Use) Pricing a function of connection size, MPLS VC (size, DiffServ priority), & maybe distance

74 Frame Relay Backbone Trunks Leased Line FR Switch FR Frame Aware
StatMux, Packet Switched Network, Full Duplex Trunks. Access lines mostly attach to routers.

75 WAN Connectivity Options
Frame Relay Network Switches are frame aware I/O decisions use Layer 2 Frame Relay address Virtual Circuit… Routing through system determined in advance … is assigned trunk BW via StatMux BW required based more so on average input rates Pricing function of peak rate & CIR May be distance independent Hard to find now.

76 ATM Backbone Trunks Leased Line ATM Switch Cell Aware
StatMux/TDM, Cell Switched Network, Full Duplex Trunks. Replaced by the Internet & Carrier Ethernet.

77 LAN Backbone Trunks Access Line Ethernet Switch Ethernet Frame Aware
StatMux, Packet Switched Network, Full/Half Duplex Trunks. Access lines mostly attach to PC's, servers, & printers. Trunks attach to Ethernet Switches, & routers.

78 Ethernet MAN/WAN LAN 802.3 LAN Carrier Ethernet LAN 802.3 LAN 802.3 LAN LAN Routers LAN Carrier Switches would only see 9 Router MAC addresses

79 Ethernet MAN/WAN LAN 802.3 LAN Carrier Ethernet LAN 802.3 LAN 802.3 LAN LAN LAN Carrier switches would see all PC MAC addresses. Potentially too many!

80 Carrier Ethernet Feed Ethernet Frames to Carrier Carrier Network 802.3
LAN 802.3 LAN Carrier Network LAN 802.3 LAN 802.3 LAN LAN LAN Feed Ethernet Frames to Carrier

81 Carrier Ethernet Use Internet MPLS VC's Ethernet on Access Lines ISP
LAN 802.3 LAN ISP LAN 802.3 LAN 802.3 LAN LAN LAN Use Internet MPLS VC's Ethernet on Access Lines

82 Carrier Ethernet Feed Ethernet Frames to Carrier Carrier Network 802.3
LAN 802.3 LAN Carrier Network LAN 802.3 LAN 802.3 LAN LAN LAN Feed Ethernet Frames to Carrier

83 Carrier Ethernet LAN Carrier Ethernet Switches 802.3 LAN LAN 802.3 LAN 802.3 LAN LAN LAN Use Provider Backbone Bridging Ethernet on access lines.

84 802.3 Ethernet Packet Format
Bytes: MAC Destination Address MAC Source Address IP TCP Data + Padding CRC

85 PBB Carrier Ethernet Packet (Simplified)
Bytes: Carrier MAC Destination Address Carrier MAC Source Address Carrier VLAN Tag MAC Destination Address MAC Source Address IP TCP Data + Padding CRC Carrier Edge switches prepend customer Ethernet frames with provider frames. # Carrier MAC addresses = # Carrier edge switches

86 PBB Carrier Ethernet WAN/MAN
LAN LAN Ethernet Switch LAN E1 LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN LAN Every Carrier Switch is an Edge Switch here. Edge Switches learn MAC addresses of serviced end devices. E1 must learn Yellow & Orange MAC & VLAN addresses.

87 PBB Carrier Ethernet Switching (Simplified)
Unicast packet arrives with unknown customer destination MAC address Source Carrier Edge Switch Examines Customer VLAN tag & source MAC address Maps to Carrier VLAN tag Carrier Edge Switch MAC address Appends Carrier Header Destination Carrier Edge Switch Examines & Removes Carrier Header Forwards based on Customer MAC address

88 PBB Carrier Ethernet Switching (Simplified)
Broadcast packet arrives Source Carrier Edge Switch Examines Customer VLAN tag & source MAC address Maps to Carrier VLAN tag Carrier Edge Switch MAC address(es) Appends Carrier Header Selectively Floods Destination Carrier Edge Switch(es) Examines & Removes Carrier Header Forwards based on Customer VLAN


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