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Topic: Identifying Minerals

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1 Topic: Identifying Minerals
PSSA: A/S8.D.1.1

2 Objective: TLW use mineral properties to identify selected unknown minerals.

3 MI #1: Color and Luster Minerals come in a variety of colors, however, color can change due to impurities and chemical reactions For this reason, color is usually not a reliable identifying characteristic. Luster is the way a mineral shines in reflected light. For our purposes mineral luster will be classified as metallic or non metallic. A more complete reference can be found on p. 70 of your textbook.

4 MI #2: Streak Streak refers to the color of a mineral in powdered form. Streak is found by rubbing the mineral specimen against a piece of unglazed porcelain called a streak plate. A mineral’s streak is not always the same as its color, and it will not change when exposed to air or water.

5 MI #3: Cleavage and Fracture
Cleavage is the tendency of some minerals to break along smooth, flat surfaces. Fracture is the tendency of some minerals to break along curved or irregular surfaces.

6 MI #4: Hardness Hardness is a minerals resistance to being scratched.
Moh’s hardness scale rates the hardness of a mineral on a scale of 1(softest) to 10 (hardest) and is used to compare hardness. The reference minerals for Moh’s hardness scale are found in Figure 5 on p. 72.

7 MI #5: Density Density is the ratio of mass to a given volume.
It is usually expressed in units of grams/milliliter (g/mL) or grams/centimeter3 (g/cm3). Specific gravity is the ratio of a substances density to the density of water (which is 1 g/mL).

8 MI #6: Special Properties
Some properties are associated with only a few minerals…. Fluorescence – glow in UV light Magnetism – includes magnetite Taste – Do Not Taste the Minerals unless instructed to do so! Double Image – clear calcite shows a double image

9 So What…? Real Life Application
Understanding the properties of minerals allows us to identify minerals.

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