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EDXC – brief history Risto Vähäkainu, FDXA EDXC Tampere 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "EDXC – brief history Risto Vähäkainu, FDXA EDXC Tampere 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDXC – brief history Risto Vähäkainu, FDXA EDXC Tampere 2017

2 Founded in 1967 Anker Petersen told earlier about the early phase
Think of life 50 years ago: no internet, no mobile phones, international calls expensive Only way of communicating: letters (and club bulletins) EDXC Tampere 2017

3 Secretary generals Post for one year
Votings with all full members voting (voting right depending on the club size) First SGs 1-2 years Rudolf Heim 4 years Micheal Murray 16 years My conclusion: 1 year period too short, but a change after 3-5 years would be good EDXC Tampere 2017

4 Lists of SGs List available through
ASG introduced in late 80’s, quite good idea Kari and Jan-Mikael since 2013, what next? EDXC Tampere 2017

5 EDXC’s meaning Annual conference Working international committees
Landlist, Reportin Guide Euro DX (EDXC’s bulletin) Statutes EDXC Tampere 2017

6 EDXC Conferences 50 years – 50 conferences (no conf in 2004!)
List available via Range from 30 to 300 participants Earlier many broadcasters attending Problems in pricing and the language EDXC Tampere 2017

7 EDXC Conference country by country
6: Finland 5: Denmark, Sweden 4: Germany, France, Spain 3: United Kingdom, 2: Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Czech Republic, Russia 1: Norway, Austria, Hungary, Ireland, Turkey, Bulgaria, Portugal EDXC Tampere 2017

8 EDXC Conferences town by town
Copenhagen (Skovlund, Lyngby) 4 Paris 3 Cologne, Hilversum, Barcelona, Tampere, St. Petersburg 2 EDXC Tampere 2017

9 Conference pattern Different location every year Presentations
Discussion upon EDXC matters Visits to radio stations or media houses City tour and/or excursions Sometimes merged with the national meeting Contrary to SWL Fest in USA EDXC Tampere 2017

10 Changes during the years
No radio stations attending anymore Decrease in participation Very few young people attending What is the future? EDXC Tampere 2017

11 Other EDXC matters Landlist, a long-time project, today merged with the FDXA Landlist updated by FDXA Landlist Committee Reporting Guide, not needed anymore … EuroDX bulletin, stopped about 15 years ago Webpage, very important but problems with webmastering, today held as a blog with WordPress Contacts to international radio stations (very few today) Contacts to European DX Clubs (some clubs have faded out during the years) EDXC Tampere 2017

12 EDXC members during the years
Statistics?! Full / Observer members At first members were the countries, soon it was changed to that members are clubs Members today Statutes, las update about 15 years ago, a possibility to have individual members and some other changes EDXC Tampere 2017

13 EDXC Club meeting Everybody is welcome to join
To be held on Sunday morning SG’s annual report Thoughts of coming conferences Other matters EDXC Tampere 2017

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