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Vatican Conference on Gospel Nonviolence and Just Peace

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Presentation on theme: "Vatican Conference on Gospel Nonviolence and Just Peace"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vatican Conference on Gospel Nonviolence and Just Peace

2 Signs of the Times and Response
Cardinal Turkson: Pontifical Council of Justice and Peace

3 Signs of the Times and Response

4 Conference Process Experience and Pictures Stories

5 Just Peace Theology Content Implications

6 Pope John XXIII 1963 “in an age such as ours which prides itself on its atomic energy it is contrary to reason to hold that war is now a suitable way to restore rights which have been violated” (par. 127 in Pacem in Terris)

7 Pope John Paul II 1979 “violence is evil…violence
is a lie, for it goes against the truth of our faith, the truth of our humanity. Violence destroys what it claims to defend: the dignity, the life, and the freedom of human beings. Violence is a crime against humanity, for it destroys the very fabric of society.”

8 Pope John Paul II 1979 In turn, he exhorted persons to
turn away from the paths of violence particularly by not following any leaders who “train you in the way of inflicting death…Give yourself to the service of life, not the work of death. Do not think that courage and strength are proved by killing and destruction. True courage lies in working for peace… Violence is the enemy of justice. Only peace can lead the way to true justice.”

9 Pope Benedict XVI “violence degrades the dignity of both the victims and the perpetrators.” “Love of enemies is…the magna carta of Christian nonviolence; it does not consist of surrendering to evil--as claims a false interpretation of 'turn the other cheek' (Luke 6:29)--but in responding to evil with good (Rom. 12:17-21), and thus breaking the chain of injustice.

10 Pope Francis “It (war) is the suicide of humanity”
“Faith and violence are incompatible!” “Peacemaking calls for courage, much more so than warfare” "justice can never be wrought by killing a human being" “War is the negation of all rights and a dramatic assault on the environment.”

11 Virtue of Nonviolent Peacemaking: ex
Virtue of Nonviolent Peacemaking: ex. Practice of Unarmed Civilian Protection

12 Just Peace Criteria by Maryann C. Love
Just Cause: protection of life, dignity, common good Right Intention: positive peace, right relationship Participatory Process Right Relationship: vertical/horizontal Reconciliation Restoration: material, psych., spiritual Sustainability

13 Just Peace: Implications
Recent Examples: lethal drones, nuclear weapons, Syria, ISIS, etc. Lethal Drones: We ask the virtue question: “What kinds of people are we becoming?” We assess if this action is consistent with the Just Peace criteria and core practices

14 Just Peace Approach: Summary
A Vision: of Shalom Human dignity, human rights and thriving relationships An Ethic: way of justice through peace-making and peace through justice-making Core virtues Virtue of Nonviolent Peacemaking Core Practices Just Peace criteria

15 Outcome Document Response to conference Implementation Discussion
Help spread the videos and document; endorse it Help identify key persons or organizations to endorse the document Have other events to enhance the dialogue Identify a key nonviolent practice to scale-up Discussion Peace Be With You!

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