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Presenter’s Company Name Presenter’s Name

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Presentation on theme: "Presenter’s Company Name Presenter’s Name"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenter’s Company Name Presenter’s Name
ISAC Cyto Innovation 2017 Technology Showcase Presentation Note to applicant: This is a template for slide structure, order, and content. Please feel free to add your company’s logo, branding, and look/feel to your presentation. Please maintain the order and spend no more than a single page on each topic for a total not to exceed 7 slides. CYTO 2017 is set for the Hynes Auditorium in Boston, MA, USA from June 2017 Showcase presentations will occur on Saturday, 10 June from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm Submission Deadline: May 1, 2017

2 Founding Team (Provide a list of names and a short bio or provide an organizational chart) Note to applicant: Provide a list of names and a short bio or provide an organizational chart. 2

3 Planned Product or Service
(The description provided here should not overlap with slide 5 – “Your Technology”) Note to applicant: The description provided here should not overlap with slide 5 – “Your Technology” 3

4 Market Opportunity and Commercialization Strategy
(Address the correct market segment) Note to applicant: Be careful to address the correct market segment. 4

5 Your Technology (Provide a brief summary of your technology: a one sentence description of the technology and 1-3 sentences describing the scientific foundation.) Note to applicant: Provide a brief summary of your technology (a one sentence description of the technology and 1-3 sentences describing the scientific foundation). 5

6 Milestones (EXAMPLE: Provide a timeline of commercialization steps, including any interactions with regulatory agencies, if needed.) Months 3 6 9 12 15 18 Project 1 Activities and Milestones Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 $ Need Capital Need Note to applicant: Provide a timeline of commercialization steps, including any interactions with regulatory agencies, if needed.

7 Ask

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