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Business Continuity / Recovery

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1 Business Continuity / Recovery
Hospital Business Continuity / Recovery Plan (BC/RP)

2 Credits This PowerPoint was made available from the California Hospital Association Hospital Preparedness Program, Hospital Continuity Workgroup to the Wisconsin Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Program (WHEPP) The WHEPP Recovery Expert Panel has modified this document 15 January 2016

3 Key Terms Business Continuity / Recovery Plan (BC/RP) – A comprehensive written plan to maintain or resume business in the event of a disruption Critical Process – Hospital activity or information which could not be interrupted or unavailable for several business days without significantly jeopardizing operation of the organization Recovery Time Objective (RTO) – A time less than the maximum amount of downtime that is allowable for a critical process before the impact becomes severe enough to drastically hinder patient safety to assist in prioritization of recovery tasks Recovery Time Actual (RTA) – The actual time it takes to restore a process Recovery Point Objective (RPO): the maximum amount of acceptable data loss expressed in time Critical Records – Records or documents that, for legal, regulatory, or operational reasons, cannot be irretrievably lost or damaged without materially impairing the organization’s ability to conduct business

4 Why Have a Hospital BC/RP?
Purpose: The ultimate goal of Hospital Continuity Planning is to resume business functions to a normal, or new normal, state after a period of time post event The BCP is intended to be a dynamic tool to be used in emergencies, disasters, and other catastrophic events where the building or a department is severely impacted. The BCP lists critical functions by departments, recovery time objectives (RTO), relocation strategies, and the resources (i.e., staff, supplies, IS applications, etc.) needed to ensure continuity of operations. The ultimate goal of business continuity is to resume business function to a normal state after a period of time post event.

5 Why Have a Hospital BC/RP?
Benefits Continuation of patient services Fulfill moral responsibility to protect: Employees The community The environment Facilitates compliance with regulatory requirements

6 Why Have a Hospital BC/RP?
Enhances ability to avoid, mitigate, and recover from: Disruptions to service delivery Financial losses Regulatory fines Loss of market share Damages to equipment Reputation considerations Loss of confidence Community perception

7 What is it? The Hospital Business Continuity / Recovery Plan is a process utilized to maintain and/or resume hospital operations Provides information regarding: Critical Business Processes Critical Equipment and Resources Information System Staff Responsibility Critical Records Inter Departmental Dependencies

8 When Do You Use the Hospital BC/RP?
The Hospital BC/RP will be used in emergencies and other catastrophic events where the infrastructure or a department is severely impacted: Life safety – protection of staff, preservation of life The loss of service poses significant physical, operational, and business challenges and risks Continuity of the service, somewhere within the facility, is integral to ongoing facility viability and community support The Hospital BC/RP will be used in addition to the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) during recovery

9 When Do You Use the Hospital BC/RP?
To identify potential Failure Points Meeting essential patient needs and community expectations Reduction of risk to maintain operations Transfer of risk to third party vendor Keeping businesses viable Identify which risks are acceptable

10 Hospital BC/RP: Concept of Operations
The Incident Commander activates the Hospital Business Continuity Branch to ensure continuity of operations. The function of the Business Continuity Branch, in Hospital Incident Command System (HICS 2014), is to assist impacted areas with ensuring that critical hospital functions are maintained, restored, or augmented to meet the designated Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and recovery strategies outlined in the areas’ business continuity and business resumption plans

11 Hospital BCP: Concept of Operations
The Hospital Business Continuity Branch responsibilities include: Evaluation of the impacted areas to ascertain business function capability Facilitate the acquisition of and access to essential recovery resources, including business records (i.e., patient medical records, purchasing contract, etc.)

12 Hospital BC/RP: Concept of Operations
The Hospital BC/RP: Supports the Hospital Infrastructure and Security Branches with needed movement or relocation to alternate hospital operation sites Coordinates with the Logistics Section Communication Unit Leader, IT/IS Unit Leader, and the impacted area to restore hospital functions and review technology requirements Assists other impacted areas with the restoring and resuming operations

13 Hospital BC/RP: Concept of Operations
The Planning Section Chief or Business Continuity Branch Director, in collaboration with the manager(s) from impacted departments, will use Hospital BCP to identify resources needed to ensure continuity of critical processes within recovery time objectives

14 Hospital BC/RP: Concept of Operations
The Incident Action Plan (IAP) will include recovery strategies as applicable Upon completion, the IAP will be approved by the Incident Commander Section Chiefs will provide an operational briefing to section members: Overview of IAP Assign task Assign roles

15 De - escalation Recovery
begins at activation of an incident is dynamic continues long after demobilization contributes to the after action report and process improvement Remember planned utilization has a start and stop time but the BC/RP process is ongoing

16 Where do we start discussion?

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