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THIS IS Jeopardy. THIS IS Jeopardy Jeopardy Characters Part One (Again) Part Two (Again) Characters (Again) Part One Part Two

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2 THIS IS Jeopardy

3 Jeopardy Characters Part One (Again) Part Two (Again) Characters (Again) Part One Part Two 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

4 This character narrates the story for us.

5 Scout Jean Louise Finch A 100

6 This character looks after the Finch children.

7 Calpurnia A 200

8 This character visits every summer

9 Dill A 300

10 This character is the “reasonable” female voice in our story

11 Miss Maudie (neighbor)

12 This neighbor is the “town gossip”
A 500

13 Miss Stephanie Crawford

14 The story takes place in…(location)
B 100

15 Maycomb County B 100

16 Why does Mr. Cunningham give supplies to Atticus?
B 200

17 He owes him for legal work and cannot afford to actually pay him.
B 200

18 What is Scout’s relationship like with her teacher?
B 300

19 Not good Scout think her teacher is mean and her teacher thinks Scout is reading “the wrong way” B 300

20 When Jem is running away from the gunshot, what happens to him? A N D…
How does he handle this? B 400

21 His pants get caught in the fence; he has to run away without them
B 400

22 WHY is it a sin to kill a mockingbird? Give TWO reasons…

23 Mockingbirds are innocent They just make music for people
They don’t harm the bushes or plants B 500

24 Who teaches Scout to read?

25 Her father, Atticus C 100

26 What does Walter Cunningham (Jr.) do that disgusts Scout?

27 Pours syrup (molasses) all over his food
C 200

28 What is the FIRST item placed in the tree knothole for the children?

29 Chewing Gum C 300

30 What happens to Scout during the neighbor’s house fire?

31 (GO BACK) C 400

32 Who is Francis and what kind of personality does he have?

33 He is Scout and Jem’s cousin and he is a rude, insensitive little jerk

34 Who is Atticus defending and for what?

35 Tom Robinson Rape D 100

36 Who is the Maycomb County Sheriff?
D 200

37 Heck Tate D 200

38 How are the children initially received at Calpurnia’s church
How are the children initially received at Calpurnia’s church? Does that eventually change? D 300

39 Not received well at all at first
…then accepted once Zeebo welcomes them in (Calpurnia’s son) D 300

40 Why does Calpurnia speak differently at church than she does at the Finch household?

41 She has a different dialect with her friends than at work

42 Who comes to live with the Finch family during the second part and why is she there?

43 Aunt Alexandra To be a positive female influence for Scout and “to help with the children” D 500

44 What do the children discover under Scout’s bed one night?

45 Dill! E 100

46 A “mob” forms outside of the jail. Who diffuses the mob?

47 Scout E 200

48 A blind spot refers to people who are unable to see a wrong in something…what is the blind spot for the town of Maycomb? E 300

49 Their viewpoint against negroes

50 In the beginning of the story, Scout explains that Jem broke his arm when he was 13 BUT never says how…we know how in the end of the story. HOW did he break his arm? E 400

51 Jem broke his arm whilst Mr. Ewell tried to harm him

52 When the real Boo Radley is revealed, what bigger theme does this relate to?

53 Don’t judge a book by its cover
Get to know people before you judge them Walk around in someone else’s shoes E 500

54 Who is the old lady neighbor with a “drug addiction”?
F 100

55 Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose

56 Who is the preacher at Calpurnia’s church?
F 200

57 Reverend Sykes F 200

58 What is the dog’s name that is rabid and is shot by Atticus?
F 300

59 Tim Johnson F 300

60 Who faces off against Atticus in court
Who faces off against Atticus in court? (The prosecuting attorney, not the family) F 400

61 Horace Gilmer F 400

62 What is the judge’s first and last name in the trial?

63 John Taylor F 500

64 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!
Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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