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Identification of isolated photons

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1 Identification of isolated photons
at high energies at H1 Bachelor Thesis Arno Gadola I like to welcome you to my presentation about the identification of isolated photons at high energies. Please don‘t hesitate to interrupt me, if there are questions. Zurich, march 2008 Arno Gadola

2 Outline - Motivation - Shower Shape Variables - Analysing data
- Results - Conclusions Arno Gadola

3 Motivation The proton structure: - 3 valence quarks (uud)
- virtual quark-pairs ( ) - gluons Electron - Proton scattering: Proton probing with electron Which processes give insight? Neutral current, charged current Zoom in Next: subprocess 1/137 Direct photon interaction Resolved photon interaction (VDM) Q2 = -q2 Arno Gadola

4 Motivation: Prompt photons
Examples for processes that give insight to the parton structure: Direct process in leading order: Resolved process in leading order: xγ = 1, xq < 1 xγ < 1, xq < 1 Prompt photons = photons from the hard interaction Gluon <=> Photon => Promt photons Prompt photon gives information about: Perturbative QCD and QED Structure functions F (quark and gluon density) Momentum fraction xγ, xp carried by the interacting parton (quark or gluon) of the photon or the proton Arno Gadola

5 Motivation: Background
Background from neutral hadrons with photon-like clusters after standard cluster selection: 87% π0 Neutral hadrons decay in photons Eπ [MeV] Arno Gadola

6 Separation of signal and background!
Goal of this study Separation of signal and background! Energy range: Transverse energy range of 5-10GeV  already done Transverse energy range of 10-15GeV  this thesis 2. Generating data for the analysis with Monte Carlo Signal: single photon events Background: double photons events (pions) 3. Analyse the generated data (and compare to real data) WAY to do the separation. Transverse energy = energy projection perpendicular to the beam axis. Arno Gadola

7 H1 Detector: The Liquid Argon Calorimeter
Collider HERA: Electrons: E = 27.5GeV Protons: E = 920GeV => = 318GeV Prompt photons: ET = 5-15GeV Liquid Argon (LAr) calorimeter: 8 wheels E.m. calo with lead absorbers Hadron calo with steel absorbers Covered angle 4° < θ < 154° ONLY LAr. Bild und Wheels beschreiben Zoom in the em calo Arno Gadola

8 Cluster: Shape variables
Shower shape variables: - Longitudinal dimension RT - Transverse dimension RL - Energy fraction of hottest cell EHottestCell - Energy fraction of hot core EHotCore - Energy fraction of cells in different layers - ….. Particle deposes energy in cells. Cells are merged to cluster Cluster => Shape variables I have tried different variables. Arno Gadola

9 Shape variables Longitudinal dimension RL [cm]
Transverse dimension RT [cm] Example for: Wheel 3 ET = 13-15GeV A selection of 4 variables RL not much separation possible RT 2photon events yield larger RT, especially in the forward region Hottest FRACTION, smal values=smal E Energy of hottest cell first in layer fraction EHottestCellL1 Energy of hottest cell fraction EHottestCell Arno Gadola

10 Clustering: Shape variables
Shower shape variables: - Longitudinal dimension RT - Transverse dimension RL - Energy fraction of hottest cell EHottestCell - Energy fraction of hot core EHotCore - Energy fraction of cells in different layers - ….. Multivariate analysis tools (root): 1. TMVAnalysis  trains methods Likelihood, Fisher, MLP, etc. 2. TMVApplication  discriminator Discriminator: Put variables in analysis tool => Discriminator Arno Gadola

11 ET = 13-15GeV ET = 11-13GeV ET = 9-11GeV
Wheel 4 Wheel 5 Wheel 6 ET = 13-15GeV ET = 11-13GeV ET = 9-11GeV A reason for the lack of entries for signal on right side could not be found. Arno Gadola

12 Signal Background Wheel 4 Wheel 5 Wheel 6
ET = 10-15GeV ET = GeV ET = GeV Good fit of real data Peak in the middle is not physical Arno Gadola Signal Background

13 Summary Structure functions Momentum fractions xγ, xq QCD, QED test
Found good separation power for higher transverse energies (10-15GeV)! Discriminator: Likelihood Prompt photons Get rid of evil background - Clustertool (generating shape variables) - Multivariate analysis tool Energy RL RT Shape variables Further treatment leads to a better statement Arno Gadola

14 Conclusions For future tasks: - Tuning of methods
- Test of other methods - Calculation of a cross section and fit with real data For future thesis: - Including high energy intervall of 10 to 15 GeV - For high energy intervalls longitudinal cluster shape dimension RL should be included Thanx to Katharina And with a humorous Homer the question session is opened. Arno Gadola

15 Questions? Arno Gadola

16 Shower cascade Shower stops at: Ee = Ec ≈ 610MeV/(Z+1.24)
Electormagentic shower in a calorimeter Shower stops at: Ee = Ec ≈ 610MeV/(Z+1.24) Arno Gadola

17 Arno Gadola

18 Shape variables Transverse energy: Central moments: Transverse radius:
Arno Gadola

19 Shape variables Background of neutral hadrons before
standard cluster shape selection. Background of neutral hadrons after standard cluster shape selection. Arno Gadola

20 Clustering: Shape variables
Cluster shapes: - Longitudinal dimension - Transverse dimension - Kurtosis - Symmetry - Hottest cell fraction - Hot core fraction - First layer energy fractions MVA: Likelihood Neural network Fisher Discriminator Arno Gadola

21 ET = 9-11GeV ET = 11-13GeV ET = 13-15GeV
Wheel 1 Wheel 2 Wheel 3 Wheel 4 Wheel 5 Wheel 6 Arno Gadola

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