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B.F. Skinner Heidi Zorn .

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1 B.F. Skinner Heidi Zorn 

2 Childhood Born 1904 in Susquehanna, PA
Skinner was expected to be a lawyer from birth Edward (Ebbie) was his younger brother Ebbie was the favorite

3 Late Adolescence Moved to Scranton for Father's new position (Coal Company senior counsel)  Worked hard to have a love life  Wanted a career in creative writing 

4 College Went to Hamilton College in New York
Ridiculed for his intellect  Ebbie died at 16 (1923) of a cerebral hemorrhage Fred took the death hard, William did also (burst into tears at thought of Ebbie) 

5 Dark Year Graduated and wanted to write a novel and get a job
Father offered him manager's position at Coal Company  Fred was hesitant but had no career plans (doubts about his future)

6 Grad School Entered Harvard grad school for psychology
Decided he wanted to be in a university setting  Skinner Box was created  Fred Keller told Skinner that "he could make a science out of the study of behavior" 

7 Ph.D Finished his Ph.D, but didn’t leave to continue to do research (31-36)  Came up with operant conditioning  Mixed views from behaviorists; felt unappreciated  "Womanizer"

8 Adulthood "Eve" Blue became his wife (1936)
She was intelligent and rebellious  Moved to Minnesota Both stated neither was happy in their marriage 

9 Julie and Deborah Eve didn't have motherly instincts
When Deborah was born Skinner created a crib to tend to his children "baby tender"   Deborah's home for 2 ½ years Nf1RseGXQ (1:40) 

10 Pigeons  1940- Skinner wondered if pigeons could be trained to be bombers 1942- took sabbatical to work on project  Developed effective bird technology for a wide range of targets Turned down by the government  ns-and-strategy/second-world- war/project-orcon-pidgeon-guided- missile/   (2:17 )

11 Baby Tender  Thermostatically controlled,  baby needed to be washed 1/week, eliminated rashes, helped mother with daily routine  "baby in a box" title led to bad press  James Judd- Display Associates helped Skinner commercialize it  Julian Bobbs- Bobbs-Merrill Publishing Compnay  John Gray 

12 Another New Job 1946 Chair of Psychology at Indiana University
William bought Fred and Eve a new house  Bill Verplank Moved back for Harvard teaching job 

13 Walden Two Wrote about a utopian society based off of behaviorism 1945
Wanted societies like this to pop up and survive  1971- visited Two Oaks  Cover of Time Magazine for Walden Two and Beyond Freedom and Dignity 

14 Late Years Kept himself on a very strict schedule
Japanese friend sent him a beddoe in 1980's Went to conferences to upstand colleagues Worked on 3 volume biography-1300 pages Became very ill Fell down stairs hit head; lead to subdural hematoma  Found out he was anemic and had leukemia  8 days before death gave 20 minute speech at APA convention

15 Discussion Questions  Skinner mentioned later in life that cognitive psychology was "mentalism" because the mind is unpredictable and unmeasurable. What do you think Skinner would think of cognitive psychology now? What would he think of cognitive behavioral therapy? Skinner was impacted heavily by Ebbie's death. How do you think this impacted his career? Skinner was a major behaviorist, however, he did not raise his children on behaviorist principles. Why do you think this is?

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