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Early Russia Cont’d.

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1 Early Russia Cont’d

2 Mongols Invade Russia The Golden Horde looted and burned Kiev and other Russian cities The dreaded name of the Tatars first became known in Russia in The Mongols, united under Genghis Khan, invaded southern Russia for the first time

3 Mongol Rule Forced Russians to pay them money (called tribute)
Let the Russians keep their culture and customs Mongols intermarried with the people they conqueredmixing of cultures


5 Influence of the Mongols
Created largest land empire-stretched from Asia to Eastern Europe Used strict and harsh Pax Mongolica: Mongol Peace Mongols had strong, centralized control of the empire Trade within the empire, but NOT with Western Europe

6 Moscow Capital of Russia today
At the time of Nevsky, it was a small, rich town located on an important trade route

7 By the late 1400s, Moscow was the most powerful city in Russia
Center of the Russian Church Ivan III, or Ivan the Great is known as the founder of modern Russia

8 Ivan the Great Ruled from 1462-1505 Freed Russia from foreign rule
Set up a government Wife Sophia was related to the last Byzantine Emperor

9 Ivan’s wife rules the roost!
Sophia made Ivan adopt the double headed eagle as his symbol (this was the symbol of the Byzantine emperors) Encouraged Ivan to take complete power over both the church and the government Rebuilt the Kremlin (center of the Russian church and government)

10 Ivan the Terrible 1533, Ivan the IV became the ruler of Russia at the age of 3! He was the great-grandson of Ivan the Great. He started to govern at the age of 14! Ivan believed that Julius Caesar (Roman Emperor) was his ancestor 1547, gives himself the title of Czar Strong military leader, but cruel He ordered thousands of Russians and enemy soldiers killed Known for killing and torturing many people His cruelty earned him the title of “Ivan the Terrible”

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