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Presentation on theme: "LIBERAL CALIFORNIA VS CONSERVATIVE TEXAS"— Presentation transcript:


2 MAIN GOAL To analyze indicators using GIS flowcharts to show why California historically votes liberally while Texas votes conservatively despite their relatively close location and size Indicators: Race Age Veterans Education Employment Income Crime Social programs Health Poverty Past Election date

3 BACKGROUND Generally in the past Texas has tended to vote conservative while California has tended to vote liberal Texas has voted republican in every election since 1980 California has voted democrat in every election since 1992

We wanted to see if there were certain aspects or characteristics of a state that would lead the population to vote either conservative or liberal. We chose to look at Texas because it is a large state and well known to be conservative. We chose to look at California because it is a large state and well known to be liberal.

To compare all the indicators among Texas and California To identify all the factors associated with the main goal To develop an explanatory theory using ArcGIS analysis process to support the main goal To analyze all the census data to find the indicators percentage rate differences between Texas and California

6 METHODOLOGY Data from Data into Excel Data into Arcmap
Merging dbase table to layer file Adding choropleth layer Analysis of data

7 GIS TOOLS Attribute tables Hand select tool Choropleth layer files
Add Datas

8 1) RACE California 57.6% White 37.6% Hispanic/Latino 13% Asian
6.2% Black 4.9% Other races 1% American Indian Texas 71% White 32% Hispanic/Latino 11.7% other races 11.5% Black 2.7% Asian .6% American Indian

9 Asian race map

10 Black race map

11 White race map

12 Hispanic race

13 2) Poverty California 21 % of the population are living in poverty, 4 out of every 10 people are bordering poverty. Los Angeles has the highest poverty rate at 25.7 %. Texas 17.5% of Texans are living in poverty, 1 in six people living in Texas are living below poverty level. Willacy County has the highest poverty rate at 38.8

14 Poverty

15 3) Crime California In 2010 Total no. of Crimes reported 1,265,920
2,144 Murders 8903 Rapes 1,080,457 Property crimes Texas In 2010 Total no. of Crimes reported 923,348 1,184 Murders 8,236 Rapes 878,678 Property crimes

16 Violent crime

17 4) Social Programs ( Medicaid and Social Security)
California $70,342,200 Spent per year for citizens in California Texas $65,210,433 Spent per year for citizens in California

18 Social Security

19 5) INCOME California per capita income: $29,634
highest income county: Marin County at $54,605 lowest income county: Imperial County at $16,593 Texas per capita income: $19,617 highest income county: Loving County at $42,220 lowest income county: Zavala County at $10,180

20 Income

21 6) Employment California Texas
Total population in labor force 18,550,900 Unemployed people 1,581,300 Unemployment rate at 8.5% Texas Total population in labor force 12,696,526 Population unemployed 577,214 Unemployment rate of 6.4%

22 Employment data

23 7) AGE California 71.4% over 18 29.1% over 50 16.3% over 60
Texas 72.7% over 18 28% over 50 15% over 60 7% over 70 3% over 80

24 Age

25 8) EDUCATION California
81.5% of people 18 years old or over have a high school diploma or higher 31% of people 18 years old or over have bachelor degree or higher Texas 81.6% of people 18 years old or over have a high school diploma or higher 27.1% of people 18 years old or over have a bachelor degree or higher

26 Education ( amount of enrollment)

27 9) VETERANS California 93.2% of the veterans are male
78.3% of the veterans are white 8.6% of the veterans are black 5.2% of the veterans are Asians Texas 68.7% of the veterans are white 12.6% of the veterans are black 16% of the veterans are hispanic

28 Veteran data map

29 10) HEALTH California Birth rate: 62.4 per 1,000 women
Infant death rate: 4.8 per 1,000 births Death rate: per 100,000 people Cancer death rate: 151 per 100,000 people 59.7% of adults are obese Texas Birth rate: 70.7 per 1,000 women Infant death rate: 5.8 per 1,000 births Death Rate: per 100,000 Cancer death rates: per 100,000 people 67.8% of adults are obese

30 Medicaid map

31 11) Past Election Data California Texas In 2012: In 2012:
37.1% Republican voters 60.2% Democratic voters In 2008: 37.0% Republican voters 61.0% Democratic voters In 2004: 44.4% Republican voters 54.3%Democratic voters Texas In 2012: 57.2% Republican voters 41.1% Democratic voters In 2008: 55.5% Republican voters 43.7% Democratic voters In 2004: 61.1% Republican voters 38.2%Democratic voters

32 Republican

33 Democrats

34 Conclusions Most Useful indicators: Race Number of Medicare recipients
Poverty Social programs (social security) Age Other indicators: Crime Employment Income Education Veterans


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