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ACTFL 2016 Boston, Massachusetts November 19, 2016

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1 ACTFL 2016 Boston, Massachusetts November 19, 2016
Effective Study Abroad Programs for Students in Elementary to High School ACTFL 2016 Boston, Massachusetts November 19, 2016

2 Session Presentations
Session Overview: Study Abroad and CELIN Joy Kreeft Peyton, Senior Project Associate, CELIN Study Abroad in Elementary School Maquita Alexander, Washington YuYing Public Charter School, Washington, DC Study Abroad in Middle School Luyi Lien, Yinghua Academy, Minneapolis, Minnesota Study Abroad in High School Chiachyi Chiu, St. Andrew's School, Middletown, DE Questions/Discussion After a brief overview of CELIN and our resources on Study Abroad, each presenter will describe the key features of their program, lessons they have learned, and guidance they have for other programs. They will address such topics as trip destinations; partnerships created in the U.S. and in destination locations; requirements for student and chaperone participation; costs and funding; benefits and challenges; instructional components; outcomes (including gains in language proficiency and cultural understanding); and ways to improve the experience through increased collaboration and sharing. We plan to have time at the end for questions and discussion.

3 What About You? In what type of program do you do study abroad?
In what grades? Please write your questions on an index card, so we know what you would like to know, even if you don’t get a chance to talk. We can address these questions in different ways. What questions do you have that you would like to have addressed in this session?

4 CELIN (Chinese Early Language and Immersion Network)
CELIN seeks to connect with and provide resources for language practitioners, researchers, policy makers, parents, and advocates for language learning across the United States. Staff: Project Director: Shuhan C. Wang, Ph.D. Senior Project Associate: Joy Kreeft Peyton, Ph.D. We are affiliated with and supported by China Learning Initiatives at Asia Society, which has a strong track record in leading and supporting the Chinese language field.

5 CELIN’s Mission Support the growth and sustainability of Chinese early language and immersion programs in and outside the United States to ensure that students have opportunities to develop high-level multilingual and intercultural competency for advanced study and work in an interconnected world.

6 CELIN Resources

7 Monthly Newsletter New resources are announced each month in the CELIN section of Asia Society’s newsletter, Chinese Language Matters. If you don’t receive the newsletter, you can easily sign up on the Asia Society web page for CELIN. We will also follow up with you if your name is on the sign in sheet.

8 CELIN Connection is farther down in the newsletter
CELIN Connection is farther down in the newsletter. Here is the announcement about the CELIN Briefs.

9 CELIN Web Pages

10 Resources for Educators

11 Resources for Educators

12 Resources for Educators

13 Authors: Der-lin Chao Yu-Lan Lin David Kojo Hakam CELIN Briefs Editors: Shuhan C. Wang Joy K. Peyton

14 Program Profiles We have profiles of 2 of the programs that will be presented here – Washington YuYing and Yinghua Academy We can also learn a lot from specific programs in the program profiles

15 Program Directory: Is Your Program in the Directory?
Please make sure that your program is included in the program directory. You can also learn about other programs across the country there.

16 Gives an overview of the role and benefits of study abroad programs, a review of the research on study abroad, and profiles of study abroad programs in schools.

17 Benefits of Study Abroad
Immersion in the language and culture of the country Continuous and rich opportunities to …. Interact with people in the country and develop cultural knowledge and language proficiency Learn the importance of proficiency in the language for education and work See the importance of building relationships with people from other countries and cultures See the world from a broader perspective Experience self and others as global citizens and develop skills needed; problem-solving and analysis, tolerance for ambiguity, cross-cultural competence, empathy, respect

18 Questions About a Study Abroad Experience
What are the ages and grade levels of your students involved in study abroad? What are the criteria for participation? How long is the program? When does it take place? Where do students go? How is the program funded? How are students, teachers, and chaperones selected? Who is involved in decision making about the program? Do students produce anything at the end of the program? (e.g., a portfolio, presentation, journal, report, or capstone project) What are the benefits of the program? What are the challenges? How do you address the challenges? What is your biggest message to programs that are considering organizing a study abroad program?

19 Study Abroad Programs

20 Questions, Comments, Discussion
What opportunities do you see with Study Abroad? What challenges would you like to address? What are effective ways we can work together? Write anything you would like us to know on an index card, so we can work with it and address it in different venues.

21 谢谢! Thank you! Joy Kreeft Peyton Maquita Alexander Luyi Lien Chiachyi Chiu

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