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Transition from KS1 to KS2

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1 Transition from KS1 to KS2
King’s College, Soto Transition from KS1 to KS2 2016 / 2017

2 Welcome to Key Stage 2 and Junior School!!
This meeting is to give a little information about the transition from Infant school to Junior School. A very important part of you child’s education. Not all the information will be in this presentation. The aim is to give you the essential information, so that you can help your child make a smoother change as possible from Year 2 to Year 3. It is also a chance to meet the Year 3 team and also to welcome our new parents to the school. Lots more detailed information in presentation to parents in September

3 Transition Summer 2016 12th May – Mrs Parkinson and Mr King to visit Chamartin to meet transfer children. 22nd May - Year 2 from Chamartin to visit Soto to have a picnic and playtime activities

4 Transition Summer 2016 30th May – Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 Transition meeting for parents 31st May - Year 2 from Chamartin to join Year 2 from Soto to have Year 3 transition day with new teachers 5th June - Year 2 from Chamartin to join Year 2 from Soto in a House Colour Sports Day.

5 Year 2 Visit – Wednesday May 31st
10:30 to 15:10 Wednesday B L Programme: Tour of the school Meet the current Year 3s Meet all the Spanish teachers Art activity All about Me activities Lunch and playtimes Tour of school, meet some of the present Year 3’s, Meet the Spanish teacher, Circle time and All About Me Fact file for new classroom display, An art activity that promotes team building.

6 Smooth Transitions All the necessary information is passed onto the child´s new Class Teacher from their current teacher. We spend a lot of time arranging the new classes for next year.

7 The first days in August and September
Parents meeting Thursday 31st August 10am -12pm and 2pm -4pm The first school day is Friday 1st September

8 Key Stage 2 We hope to provide a brief outline of what your child will be doing and what will be expected of him / her when they move into Key Stage 2. You will find that in many areas, there is straight forward continuation from what has been happening in the Infant School, especially in the curriculum areas, although there may be some minor changes. We hope this information will be of some help to you and that the change over from the KS1 to KS2 will be as smooth as possible.

9 Key Stage 2 We continue to follow the English National Curriculum.
There are 4 classes in Year 3, all working along parallel lines with curriculum planning, programming etc. Class Teachers – most of subjects, including Mathematics (Spanish, Music, PE) Meetings / Reports – End of each term Do not set for Mathematics in Year 3 – This starts in Year 4. Enables us to focus more on individual needs within our class and help the transition to a very tough mathematics curriculum

10 KS2 9.25: Junior children wait in the playground when they arrive at school in the mornings. If raining, or very cold – go straight to class from about 9.10am. Junior children should not enter the building by themselves until the class teacher comes to bring them into school. We ask parents not to accompany Junior children into the building or hold long meetings with teachers at the start of the day. Stress the importance of independence – The most important thing that we do in Year 3 is promote ‘independence’.

11 The School Day T U TOR TIME 9.40-10.30 10.50-11.40 11.40-12.30
 T U TOR TIME Monday B L Tuesday R Wednesday E N Thursday A C Friday K H

12 Lunchtime Morning lessons finish at 12.30.
Children go to the playground until called into lunch – Year 3 go to lunch first after activity line. Junior children use the self-service system. After lunch children go back to play until 13.40, when they go back into class. ‘Optional’ classes will take place during lunch time or play times – October. If your child has any new food allergies/disorders, remember to let the teachers know in writing in September. This information is also passed to us from their current teacher.

13 Going Home 4.20 – Junior children will make a bus -route line in play ground and wait to be sent to the bus. Children being collected should wait under the porch to be collected NOT in or near the car park. If you wish children can wait in the Movement Room with a monitor. Forms to be given out in September.

14 The Curriculum Core’ subjects – English, Mathematics, Science.
Foundation subjects - Art and design; Computing; Humanities (Geography and History); Music, PSHE and P.E. including swimming. Junior library – books may be borrowed every other week.

15 Uniform We must always pay attention to correct uniform.
Children start the school year wearing the summer uniform, which consists of a polo shirt, grey shorts or skirt. Boys will need to wear a school tie in winter. All children must wear a navy blue outdoor coat as well as hats, gloves, scarves etc. Sports uniform - Junior children come to school dressed in their P.E. clothes on the day that they have PE. On the day the children have swimming they come to school in their school uniform and not their sports uniform. Children should not wear jewellery only a watch if necessary. If girls wear earrings, they should be very discrete ones. We ask girls who wear hair bands or hair ribbons, that they only wear navy blue or dark green ones. Boys are expected to wear their hair short and tidy. Painting- shirts (babi) – these are only needed for Art lessons. It is very important to make sure that all items of uniform are correctly labelled with the child’s name and class. Old shirt of dad is best for Art shirts

16 Consultation Times Appointment times with teachers.
These can be made through or a note through your child. Year 3 teachers will always be happy to discuss any issues regarding the children. Emphasis on not just turning up for an appointment. Better if it is booked through the teacher and then we will be fully informed and prepared to discuss the issue.

17 Homework Detailed outline of homework will be given in September.
Amount of homework - 3 x ½ hour sessions per week maximum + (10 – 15 minutes) reading time. More details will be given in a Parent Booklet – September.

18 Absences from School It is important, and it is a legal requirement, that the school keeps a regular check on any absences. Parents MUST contact school on the first day of the absence. Please emphasise this as it is sometimes more difficult for us to chase it up. Just a quick with the reason.

19 Toys and personal possessions
Children should not bring any toys to school unless specifically requested to do so by the teacher.

20 Helpful Resources It is always very helpful for the children to be able to have access to the following resources at home: Internet access (preferably in lounge or office where you can work with your child. Not on their own) A complete pencil case – pencils, coloured pencils, ruler & rubber, pencil sharpener etc.

21 Year 3 Teachers Ms Heather Jones Ms Heather Parfitt Mr James King
Ms Nicola Burke

22 Other useful information
Not large school bags, and preferably without wheels. Swimming- weekly class, all children have to wear the school swimming costume.

23 Over the holidays We ask the children to send a post card to their new teachers during their summer holiday. This will be used for a display and writing task during the first week in September Both schools are doing this. Also mention of importance of speaking as much English as possible. Reading English books.


25 Thank you!

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