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Proof of Concept – preliminary NIIFI plan

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1 Proof of Concept – preliminary NIIFI plan
Lajos Bálint NIIFI

2 Contents DCH-RP PoC by NIIFI – introduction
Potential PoC partner of NIIFI : OSZK OSZK features PoC planning schedule PoC goals / tasks Expertise of the partners (NIIFI, OSZK) Rome, 8/10/2012 Kick-off meeting - 2

3 Proof of Concept – NIIFI
Potential PoC partner of NIIFI in DCH-RP: OSZK (National Széchényi Library) PoC goal of NIIFI & OSZK in DCH-RP: Testing of DCH-RP principles and practice in view of reliable, dependable OSZK preservation and access - OSzK stores own content (primarily library items) - OSzK builds both dark and operational archives - OSzK is connected to NIIFI (e-Infrastructure provider) - OSZK is active AAI user - OSzK specific mission and function – relevance of testing Choosing/appointing OSZK is later to be revisited (change is to be initiated if necessary) Rome, 8/10/2012 Kick-off meeting - 3

4 OSZK portfolio segments
Rome, 8/10/2012 Kick-off meeting - 4

5 PoC goals and preconditions
Detailed planning is needed: - Selection of content types (standard and format) - Selection of content accessibility (open and/or restricted) - Selection of content quantity (large or moderate volume) Tasks to be solved: - Demonstrate added value stemming from the e-infrastructure - Contribute to evaluating the feasibility of using e-infrastructure - Investigate both technical and organisational feasibility aspects Expertise: - Content expertise at OSZK (text, bibliographic, image, AV) - e-Infrastructure expertise at NIIFI (process, store, transfer, I/O) Rome, 8/10/2012 Kick-off meeting - 5

6 OSZK expertise – portfolio segments
Rome, 8/10/2012 Kick-off meeting - 6

7 NIIFI expertise – e-Infrastructure features
Some key figures: n x 10 Gbps hybrid network (IP + e2e) 3200 km DF (CEF) backbone (→ GÉANT) Gbps experiments (+ CERN !) 79 PoPs (+ GÉANT PoP Budapest) ~ 500 institutions (~ 700 access sites) ~ users (7 % of population) Grids (first ClusterGrid in Europe …) Cloud development (non-commercial) ~ 50 Tflops aggregate HPC ~ 2.5 PByte distributed storage advanced collaboration facilities (~ 130 HD VC nodes + desktop option) traditional Data Infrastructure relations + new goals Rome, 8/10/2012 Kick-off meeting - 7

8 Thanks … Lajos Bálint
Rome, 8/10/2012 Kick-off meeting - 8

9 NIIFI e-Infrastructure applications
Rome, 8/10/2012 Kick-off meeting - 9

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