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Hinduism Notes 1- Unit 2.

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1 Hinduism Notes 1- Unit 2

2 Beginnings began with the Aryans around 1700 BCE in the Indus valley
Oldest religion worshiped male deities (gods) used writings called the Vedas teach of creation– most were oral stories passed on from generation to generation– (some as old as 3000 BCE)

3 Beginnings establishes Brahma as creator Hindu trinity
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva– gods and goddesses take part in everyday life

4 Caste System Ascetics set up caste system
ascetics were people who dedicated their life to spiritual austerity and self discipline but not touched by social system India is currently trying to get rid of it, but they are having problems lowest class- untouchable You have to stay in the class that you are born in- no way to move up or down

5 Basic beliefs Upanishads Dharma- Karma- Samsara- reincarnation-
Book for teachings-- inner revelations Dharma- ultimate moral balance of all things Karma- your actions affect your life and future Samsara- reincarnation- rebirth with chance for new balance Moksha- changeless bliss- perfection—once reached you no longer need Samsara Varna- caste system class society

6 Hindu Gods Hindu Trinity polytheistic— which means…

7 Brahma all gods originate from him faces the 4 corners of the universe

8 Shiva The destroyer or purifier dances in circle of fire
represents life and death

9 Vishnu The preserver maintains balance between good and evil in the universe

10 Holy Days Divali Holi row of lights new year in October or November
spring festival lasts 3 days

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