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Books and reading.

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Presentation on theme: "Books and reading."— Presentation transcript:

1 Books and reading

2 Writing systems Logographic (1 symbol/logogram = 1 word)
Kanji (Japanese), Hieroglyphs, Toki Pona,… Syllabic (1 word = syllables) Linear B Alpha (1 word = letters) Latin alphabet Alphasyllabic (syllables + phones) Thai alphabet

3 The story of the city of Babel is recorded in Genesis 11:1-9:

4 Religious books and scripts
Judaism – the Tanakh, the Talmud Christianity – the Bible + the Book of Mormon Buddhism - The Pāli Canon, Tripiṭaka Islam - Quran / Koran Hinduism - The Vedas Confucianism – I-ťing, Ši-ťing, Li-ji, Šu-ťing, Čchun Čchiou, Jüe ťing Taoism - The Tao Te Ching, Zhuang Zhou,

5 Book = weapon Educational function of literature (communism, children and fairy tales) Censorship History and „ a knight in shining armor“ (How a war really look like) Ideology


7 Libri prohibiti First known case 441 BC (Protagoras)
The emperor Augustus (about 2000 texts and prophecies) Pope Innocent I. (First list of forbidden books, 405 AN) Pope Paul IV. (Index librorum prohibitorum) – since then censorship part of everyday life

8 Library of Alexandria One of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world The centre of education between 3. century BC and 48 BC (partially burned during the war of the Caesar and Pompeii) Further damage in 22 AD Fully destroyed in 389 AD


10 The letterpress Inventor Johannes Gutenberg (the mid-15th century)
Important point in the history!! →More books → Cheaper books → Rising knowledge of population → Newspapers (Dailies, weeklies,..), magazines → quick dissemination of information

11 Incunable / incunabulum
- plural incunables or incunabula = book, pamphlet, or broadside printed (not handwritten) —before the year 1501 in Europe A few examples: - the Gutenberg Bible (1455) - the Peregrinatio in terram sanctam (1486) - the Nuremberg Chronicle (1493)

12 Books and schools

13 Ebook

14 Literary genres Nonfiction, Chronicles Biography
Travel literature (outdoor literature, exploration literature, adventure literature, mountain literature, nature writing, guide book) Detective novels Fantasy and Science fiction Horrors

15 Literary genres Poetry Theater plays Comics Satire Western And more….

16 Sci-fi VS Fantasy Science fiction Fantasy

17 Book translates How complicated can be translating a poetry? Metaphors
Equivocations The full meaning of the poem Construction (track, number of syllables etc) Atmosphere ….

18 Book VS Movie


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