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Foreign Policy and the Cold War

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1 Foreign Policy and the Cold War
Mikhail Gorbachev Glasnost Perestroika INF Treaty Sandinistas Contras

2 Gorby March 1985 Mikhail Gorbachev becomes Sec.
General of Communist Party Began “glasnost” Openness Open to free press and criticism Perestroika Called for less government control of the economy Allowed for private enterprise Led to democracy

3 INF Treaty 1987 Treaty that eliminated two major classes of nuclear weapons in Europe Allowed for on-site inspections

4 End of the Cold War Gorby’s introduction of democracy led to the breakup of the Soviet Union Gorby resigned 1992 Pres. Bush (I) and Boris Yeltsin declared the Cold War over

5 Iran Contra 1977-79 Sandinistas
Rebel group in Nicaragua Toppled the Nicaraguan dictator Pres. Carter acknowledge the new gov’t and sent $$ Soviets also sent $$ Pres. Reagan called Nicaragua a satellite of the Soviet Union

6 Iran Contra cont. Reagan began to support the “Contras”
Congress banned aid to the Contras Reagan found a way to fund Contras anyway Nicaragua held free elections in 1990

7 Yes, more Iran Contra 1983 American hostages were taken in Lebanon
Reagan encouraged allies not to sell weapons to Iran in their war against Iraq But…Reagan approved a weapons sale to Iran and in exchange, Iran would tell its friend, Lebanon, to let US hostages go Hostages were freed

8 Big Trouble Some of the profits from the sale of weapons to Iran went to the Contras in Nicaragua

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