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Disarmament agreements 1987–1991

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1 Disarmament agreements 1987–1991
Topic 4: Renewal and End of the Cold War

2 Reagan and Gorbachev Geneva Summit
October 1985 Agreed to a Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START): cut nuclear arsenals in half Reagan and Gorbachev continued corresponding and agreed on the Intermediate Nuclear Forces and the START treaties

3 Rejkavik, Iceland October 1986
Agreed nuclear missiles should be halved within 5 years Agreed that each power should be limited to missiles and 6000 warheads Reagan: “For a day and a half, Gorbachev and I have made progress on arms reduction that even now seems breathtaking.” Gorbachev: “Rejkavik marked a turning point in world history.”

4 Washington December 1987 Signed the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty which withdrew forces from Europe Reduced ballistic missile limit to 4900

5 Moscow May-June 1988 The last meeting between the two leaders
9 minor treaties and agreements signed : arms control, regional issues, human rights NO agreements on Star Wars, an end to trade sanctions, a joint agreement on force used on each other or around the world

6 Gorbachev and President Bush
Moscow 1991 – Final summit for Gorbachev START treaty signed from 1985 Geneva Summit

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