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How Science Works Opinions & Evidence © SSER Ltd..

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Presentation on theme: "How Science Works Opinions & Evidence © SSER Ltd.."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Science Works Opinions & Evidence © SSER Ltd.

2 Opinion

3 Opinion Opinion is a personal viewpoint held by an individual. Everyone is entitled to hold their own opinion. It is important that you are able to distinguish between an opinion, based on preference, hearsay, or prejudice, and a scientific opinion which is testable and backed up with evidence.

4 Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci The Fighting Temeraire by Constable
Opinion People have their own opinions about paintings... Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci The Fighting Temeraire by Constable These are two world famous paintings. Many artists consider them to be exceptional pieces of art , …… others may not like them.

5 Opinion What one person likes another may dislike - it is only a matter of opinion. People have different opinions on many topics... Music Architecture Fashion Literature If one person ‘likes’ a particular painting or piece of music, their liking is based on a personal preference and not on any factual evidence.

6 Testable Opinions A testable opinion is one that can be tested by collecting evidence. Evidence is data (information). Example: Suppose your best friend tells you…

7 Testable Opinions “My strawberries are the best in the road.”
This is your friend’s opinion. It is not testable. “I have tasted better strawberries from next door.” You may disagree...

8 Testable Opinions However, it would be different if your friend told you that his strawberries are the best because they are the biggest strawberries grown in his road. This statement is testable...

9 Testable Opinions You could carry out an investigation into strawberry size. You could visit all the strawberry growers in your friend’s road and record the measurements of a sample of their strawberries. This would provide evidence that would allow you to support or refute your friend’s statement.

10 Testable Opinions You may still disagree with your friend because, in your opinion, size is not the only indicator of the best strawberry. You may think that flavour and colour play an important part as well. However, you could not refute the statement if, having collected measurements, the data shows that your friend does in fact grow the biggest strawberries in his road.

11 Testable Opinions Read these opinions and decide if they are testable or not...

12 Scientific Opinions When discussing a topic such as global warming, scientific opinions should be testable opinions which are supported by evidence. Evidence is data which supports the opinion, e.g. it is not scientific to say, “I don’t think global warming is taking place because the weather seems normal to me.” This opinion is not testable, and is not backed up with evidence.

13 Scientific Opinions However, it is scientific to say,
“I think global warming is taking place because the polar ice sheet has melted substantially in the last ten years.” This opinion is testable and is backed up with evidence.

14 Reliable & Valid Evidence
Evidence should be reliable and valid. Reliable evidence is repeatable under the same conditions. Valid evidence is data that has been recorded and interpreted correctly. Valid evidence must be reliable.

15 Reliable & Valid Evidence
Reliable evidence is not necessarily valid... ...if you keep measuring, but each time you take the reading incorrectly, your data will be reliable, but not valid!

16 Interpretation Evidence: A strawberry on plant A has a length of 5cm. A strawberry on plant B has a length of 3cm. This data is reliable; the measuring was accurate . Plant A Plant B If we interpret this data to conclude that Plant A produces longer strawberries than Plant B, this is invalid, because you have not collected sufficient data.

17 End of Show Copyright © 2006 SSER Ltd. and its licensors.
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