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Welcome to Concepts & Applications

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1 Welcome to Concepts & Applications
Miss Deanna Ettore WTHS

2 Personal Background Attended Saint Joseph’s University ( ) then transferred to Rowan University (’02-05). Honors graduate from Rowan University (’05), Bachelor of Arts Degree in Mathematics with concentration in Secondary Education. Washington Township High School graduate (1999) Interests include: coaching lacrosse, family and friends, traveling, WTHS Varsity Assistant/JV Coach for girls lax WTPR Girls’ Youth Lacrosse Co-owner/operator of SJ Devils Lacrosse

3 Course Information This course is designed to help students develop their Standardized Test Taking skills. This course will provide students with the necessary strategies to overcome the particular ways the ASVAB, SAT/ACT, and ACUPLACER utilize basic math problems. In addition We will be reviewing basic algebra concepts, functions, graphing, polynomials and rational functions, and trigonometry.

4 Course Information

5 Grading/Assessments Class work/Participation/Homework (30% of MP grade) Majority of work will be completed in class. If student is absent, then the missed class work MUST be done at home. Quizzes (30% of MP grade) A quiz will be given at the end of each section. The quiz will simulate the up coming Standardized Test. Tests (40% of MP grade) Tests will be given after completion of the Standardized Test Prep session. Midterm/Final Exam (20% of Semester grade) Midterm/Final will be given the last week in January/first week in February. Grades are calculated on a sliding scale based on performance. Example Grading Scale Amount 1 5 18 12 6 % Scores 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 Grade 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

6 Absent Policy Students are responsible for getting their missed assignments Check calendar and absent folder for missing papers. Talk with class mates for explanation of the problems that were covered. If still stuck or confused, they are THEN to talk to the teachers to clarify.

7 Extra Help After school help is available everyday in room B-2 with myself. Mrs. Brumberg in room B-4 also offers after school extra help, however her students take priority. Exceptions: Monthly faculty and/or department meetings and during my coaching season. This is a FREE TUTORING service that everyone should try to take advantage of!

8 I try to respond with in 48 hours or sooner.
Contact Information Ms. Deanna Ettore ext. 7163 I try to respond with in 48 hours or sooner.

9 Enjoy the rest of your evening!!
Thank you for coming!! Before you leave, please complete the “Free Extra Credit” for your child. This will give your child five points on their lowest quiz grade, valid between now and the end of the second marking period. (Offer not good on homework, class work or tests) Enjoy the rest of your evening!!

10 If you have any questions, please see me.
Thank you for your time and enjoy the rest of your evening.

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