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Hi Everyone, Welcome to the Webinar! Developing HNOs/HRPs

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1 Hi Everyone, Welcome to the Webinar! Developing HNOs/HRPs
Facilitated by: Jessica Gorham, Regional Emergency GBV Advisor Eastern and Southern Africa

2 Evolving Humanitarian Landscape
Centrality of Protection – the collective responsibility of all humanitarian actors to address protection New Way of Working – addressing GBV is now included in the ToR of every Humanitarian Coordinator Every Humanitarian Country Team must develop a “protection strategy” CERF Guidance - clearly states that GBV prevention and response is life-saving

3 The Importance of Building a Narrative
Multiple opportunities within the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) Must be evidence-based Framed as life-saving

4 Why are GBV Interventions Life-saving?
Survivors of GBV are at high risk of severe and long-lasting health, emotional, social, economic, and security problems. Many will die — either from their injuries or as a result of an honour killing, suicide, or unsafe abortion. A survivor of sexual violence and/or physical assault may only have a few hours to get the medical care that will mean the difference between life and death. Survivors have three days ― 72 hours ― to receive the life-saving medical treatment that prevents the potential transmission of HIV/AIDS. A women or girl has only five days to access emergency contraception that prevents unwanted pregnancy. This can be a matter of life and death for adolescent girls in particular, as complications from pregnancy are one of the leading causes of death for girls from 15 to 19 years of age in the developing world. *GBV AoR Advocacy Handbook, 2014 * CERF Life-Saving Criteria

5 Evidence-based While there are significant challenges and limitations to collecting quantitative data on reported GBV incidents, there is usually good qualitative data on patterns, trends, and risks that will provide a fuller picture of the realities on the ground. Examples include surveys, interviews, and assessments conducted by UN agencies, national and international NGOs, and human rights organizations in which community members describe the kinds of violence taking place, the GBV-related risks in the setting, and the most vulnerable groups. If it is a country that suffers recurring violence or natural disasters, data and analyses of GBV from previous emergencies can provide a useful guide to appropriate prevention and response in the new crisis.

6 HNO: Needs Overview By Sector
Summarize the 3-5 most pressing humanitarian problems (stress-life threatening aspects) Affected Population Is stating “women and girls” enough? Can we be more specific? Humanitarian Needs Focus on risk mitigation and service provision (health particularly)

7 Avoid Vague Terminology
Protection needs Protection risks Marginalized groups Vulnerable circumstances Negative coping strategies Vulnerable individuals Displaced populations (?) Response services Can you think of others?

8 Examples from the Field
Women and girls are exposed to myriad of protection risks VS. Armed actors are entering IDPs sites and perpetrating sexual and physical violence against female and child headed households.

9 Examples continued… There are very few response services available to treat survivors of GBV VS. Survivors of rape don’t have access to life-saving medical treatment. The majority of health facilities outside of IDP sites lack the necessary equipment, drugs and trained staff needed to successfully treat a survivor.

10 Integrating GBV Concerns Throughout Other Clusters
Health Food Security WASH Child Protection

11 Role of the REGA Primary function is capacity building and provision of technical support. Prioritize support to countries during the development of the HNO/HRP HNO/HRP often serve as a foundation for coordination activities! Missions are financially supported by the AoR

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