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bright-field UV wild type cf1 Les22

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1 bright-field UV wild type cf1 Les22
Huang and Braun — American Journal of Botany 97(2): – Data Supplement S1– Page 1 HUANG, MINGSHU and DAVID M. BRAUN Genetic analyses of cell death in maize (Zea mays, Poaceae) leaves reveal a distinct pathway operating in the camouflage1 mutant. American Journal of Botany 97(1): Appendix S1. Cross-sections of DAB-stained leaves. Free-hand cross-sections of DAB- stained leaves were examined in bright-field (A, C, E) and UV light (B, D, F). (A, B) wild type. (C, D) cf1 yellow tissue. (E, F) Les22 lesion. No DAB-positive staining is visible in wild-type or cf1 leaves, but is present in Les22 lesions. Arrows indicate dead bundle sheath cells in cf1 yellow tissue. Arrowheads indicate DAB staining in Les22 mesophyll cells. Scale bar for all panels = 100 mm. bright-field UV A B wild type 1.5 column C D cf1 E F Les22

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