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Fourth Grade Open House

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1 Fourth Grade Open House

2 Welcome to Fourth Grade!!!

3 Fourth Grade Teachers Ms. Hollister Ms. Scorver Mrs. Taylor Mrs. Young

4 Fourth Grade Expectations
All students are expected to: Be prepared daily Be present and on time Be in proper uniform Complete all homework assignments Most importantly conduct themselves RESPECTFULLY and RESPONSIBILY!!!

5 Attendance Attendance is an integral part of your child’s success in school. Students should arrive to school by 7:30, but no earlier. Students are tardy after 8:10. Instruction will begin promptly at 8:15. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOUR CHILD IS PRESENT AND ON TIME EVERYDAY!!!!

6 Conduct To ensure the success of all students satisfactory conduct is a must. Misbehavior will not be tolerated. This school year Leinkauf will be implementing Classroom DoJo. Students will be awarded and deducted points, based on their classroom behavior and participation.

7 Homework Generally homework is assigned Monday- Thursday. In special circumstances homework will be assigned over the weekend and holidays. Students are responsible for copying their homework assignments in their planners. It is their responsibility to complete all homework assignments. Students will receive a daily grade for homework.

8 Accelerated Reader (AR)
Accelerated Reader is a school wide program. It is important that students meet their goal each quarter. Please make sure you child reads at least 30 minutes independently each night.

9 Project Please DO NOT /call teachers the night before a project is due with questions/concerns. All projects are given with ample time for completion. If you have any need for clarification, notify your child’s teacher the day the assignment is given.

10 Field Trips Field trips will begin second quarter. Fourth grade is planning two field trips. International Festival (November) State Capital trip to Montgomery (Thursday, February 23, 2017)

11 Uniforms Please adhere to the school uniform policy. Students must be in full uniform daily. Grades 3-5 must wear white button-downs and khaki pants, with solid black or white shoes. Jackets must be hunter green only to be worn in the building.

12 Houses We are planning to continue the Leinkauf “Houses” this school year. Just as last year, Wednesday will be designed a school spirit days. Students will dress up by wearing green blazers, white button-down shirts and Leinkauf plaid ties. The blazers, shirts and ties are available at Uniform R Us (located in the plaza at the corner of Government Blvd. and Pleasant Valley Rd. next to Mertz school). Also House patches can be purchased from the office for $5.00.

13 Thank You!!!! Let’s Have a Great Year!!

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