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CAS and Web Single Sign-on at UConn

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1 CAS and Web Single Sign-on at UConn

2 Preview What authentication is Authentication systems at UConn CAS
What is does How it works Implementing CAS with Web Applications

3 What authentication is
Authenticate identity using a secret (password) Authentication (AuthN) - Authorization (AuthZ) Problem when AuthN=AuthZ

4 Authentication at UConn
Authentication system stores NetID and password One NetID and password for all authentication. Two parallel authentication systems Active Directory MIT Kerberos Password sync and NetID LDAP

5 Single Sign-On One login provides access to many systems. Advantages
User convenience Password security Single Sign-On Systems Kerberos (Active Directory) Not easily integrated with Web browsing

6 Web Single Sign-On Designed for Web browsing Choices CAS (1997?)
PubCookie (1999) Shibboleth (2000) CoSign (2002) OpenID (2005)

7 Single Sign-On with CAS Step 1

8 Single Sign-On with CAS Step 2

9 Single Sign-On with CAS Step 3

10 How CAS works The players
User Web Server CAS Server Kerberos*

11 How CAS works Cookies Cookies keep state information CAS client cookie
Tells client that user is logged in. CAS server cookie Tells CAS server that user has authenticated. Both cookies last until the browser is closed.

12 How CAS works Request to Web Server
User requests page protected by CAS client CAS client checks for CAS client cookie If cookie is found, user is allowed to connect. If no cookie, redirect user to CAS server …

13 How CAS works Connection to CAS Server
User connects to CAS server. CAS checks for CAS server cookie. If not found, CAS server present login form. User enters NetID and password. If invalid NetID and password*, resend login. If valid NetID and password, redirect user back to Web server with ticket. j49xSASbuXJUjX9PltOqINab7va79Dg4TK3- 20

14 How CAS works Second Time to the Web Server
User sends ticket to the Web Server Web Server checks ticket with CAS server If valid CAS server returns NetID Web server delivers page and CAS client cookie to user. If invalid CAS server returns error Web server delivers error page to user.

15 The Single Sign-Off problem
There are two cookies: the CAS client and CAS server cookies. If you have a CAS server cookie, login is automatic. Therefore, a Web service cannot log you out as long as you have a CAS server cookie. To be fully logged out, you need to remove both the CAS server cookie and all the CAS client cookies. CAS 3.0 implements a Single Sign-Off method. Current best Single Sign-Off is to close your browser - this removes all CAS cookies.

16 Implementing CAS Web apps
CAS supported by JASIG Official CAS clients Apache Mod-auth-cas appears to Web app like Basic Auth. PHPCas CAS Client for Java 3.0, 3.1 Unofficial CAS clients Pycas Ruby on Rails Perl see

17 More Information Official home for CAS
CAS at UConn see CAS link.

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