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Funding for Promoting Outcome-Based Approaches in Student Learning (OBA Fund) Workshop Series to Help You Prepare Your OBA Project Proposal Designing.

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Presentation on theme: "Funding for Promoting Outcome-Based Approaches in Student Learning (OBA Fund) Workshop Series to Help You Prepare Your OBA Project Proposal Designing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Funding for Promoting Outcome-Based Approaches in Student Learning (OBA Fund) Workshop Series to Help You Prepare Your OBA Project Proposal Designing effective methods for integrating generic competences into the formal curriculum Angela HO, EDC 14 December 2007

2 OBA Funding $10m for Deadline for application 31 January 2008 Priorities of this round of funding: Designing effective methods for guiding students to achieve learning Integrating generic outcomes into formal curriculum Assessing professional and generic programme outcomes Reviewing the alignment and mapping of subjects to programme outcomes

3 Role statement of PolyU: Developing All-round students with professional competence
Programme outcomes and subject outcomes are required to encompass Professional / academic knowledge and skills Attributes for all-roundedness [Curriculum Revision Guidelines, 2004]

4 All-round development of students
Strategic Objective 1: To enhance the all-round development of students, particularly in the areas of global outlook, critical and creative thinking, social and national responsibility, cultural appreciation, life-long learning, biliteracy and trilingulism, entrepreneurship and leadership. The Revised Academic Regulations as set out in Appendix should be read carefully as the ultimate guidelines. It is not possible to go through each clause in the Revised Regulations today. The following three slides only extract clauses relevant to three key issues: Credit requirements Practical requirements Work-integrated education requirements

5 Integrating development of generic attributes into the formal curriculum
What generic attributes are relevant for the discipline/profession of my programme? Does my subject lend itself to the development of generic attributes?

6 What generic attributes are integrated into these subjects?
Materials Science Clients with complex health stressors Textiles Studies Computer Programming In your groups… Guess generic attributes that could have been addressed in the above subjects

7 Common approaches & possible projects
Teaching, learning & assessment methods conducive to the development of generic attributes (for specific subjects) Initiatives / events for the development of specific attribute(s) (can be implemented at institution / department / programme / subject levels) Resource materials supporting student development of generic attributes (can be shared across the campus) Possible projects Developing one (or more) of the above Implementing it Evaluating the impact

8 Teaching, learning & assessment methods conducive to the development of generic attributes

9 Instructional methods for generic attributes
Group work Each group study two examples One on cognitive attribute One on social and attitudinal attribute After the group discussion, each group will be invited to give a brief summary of the examples share some useful tips for integrating generic attributes into academic subjects from the example discuss whether the example has stimulated ideas for a project

10 Tips for successful instructional design for generic attributes
Student awareness that the attributes are important intended learning outcomes The learning experience / learning materials as real-life as possible Development of the attribute should be fostered by ‘intentional’ design instead of leaving it to ‘incidental’ development Allow systematic, progressive development Engage students in reflection, consolidation and progression to higher level (experiential learning cycle) Can start with simple, small-scale changes, then moving to major, elaborated designs

11 Resource materials supporting student development of generic attributes

12 Resource materials For teachers For students Examples
University of Griffith: Griffith Graduate Project (tools and resources) University of New South Wales: Graduate Attributes Toolkits University of New England: Graduate Attributes Resource Guide HK PolyU: Learning to Learn Project

13 Common contents of generic attribute ‘resource packages’
Definition of the attribute Disciplinary interpretations of the attribute Principles for curriculum design Bank of good examples of teaching, learning and assessment for the attribute Assessment criteria and rubrics Resource materials for use in teaching, learning & assessment, e.g. Handouts for students Self-assessment checklist Teaching aid / learning tools Recommendations on how to use the resource materials External resources, e.g. websites

14 Have a taste of ‘resource packages’
Do you find from the examples anything which you want to use directly in your teaching? you would adapt for use in your subject / programme? inspires you to develop other resources? Note: Don’t re-invent the wheel. Consider discipline-specific adaptations.

15 Initiatives / events for the development of specific attribute(s)

16 Initiatives / events for the development of specific attribute
Cambridge University Entrepreneurs Competition Imperial College London Entrepreneurs' Challenge HK PolyU Community Service Learning Programme

17 Designing effective methods for integrating generic competences into the formal curriculum

18 Designing effective methods for integrating generic competences into the formal curriculum
Define the attribute Clarify in what way does the attribute manifest in your discipline Derive principles for instructional design conducive to systematic development of the attribute Design teaching, learning and assessment methods / resource materials (for implementation in subject / programme / department) Develop assessment rubrics for the progress development of the attribute Map the progressive development of the attribute through the programme

19 A ‘taster’ group project …
Form into discipline-based groups Select a generic attribute to work on Suggest ideas for project proposals (use the ‘6-step model for designing effective methods for integrating its development into the formal curriculum’ to help you) Write the ideas for projects generated in your group on posters for sharing Any possibilities of further developing the initial ideas generated in your group into a real project? continuing collaboration among your group members?

20 Proposal formulation support can be provided upon request
Call us later! Proposal formulation support can be provided upon request Coordinator: Dr. Angela Ho x6282 etangela Team members: Kevinia Cheung x4413 etcheung Dr. Chak Chung x6273 etchak Miranda Fung X6299 etmifung Nancy Lee x6276 etnancy Kenneth Tam x4103 etkentam

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