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Tuesday, 5 December, 2006 Athens, Greece

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1 Tuesday, 5 December, 2006 Athens, Greece
Workshop on KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT and SEMANTIC TECHNOLOGIES for ePARTICIPATION Tuesday, 5 December, 2006 Athens, Greece

2 KM and SemTech in eParticipation, 5/12/06
The problem: Civil society disengages from formal political processes (such as voting and joining parties) crisis of public trust in governments The above threaten the representative model of democracy The emerging field: eParticipation is an emerging research domain that attempts to re-engage people in the democratic process by investigating the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies. eParticipation aims at making decision-making more transparent, inclusive and accessible. KM and SemTech in eParticipation, 5/12/06

3 KM and SemTech in eParticipation, 5/12/06
DEMO-net Objectives To strengthen scientific, technological & social research excellence in eParticipation: To achieve a lasting integration of currently fragmented research in eParticipation To stimulate joint research in the agreed research areas of DEMO-net To disseminate DEMO-net research amongst eParticipation stakeholders To provide a barometer of research effectiveness for eParticipation in Europe by establishing a corpus of lessons learnt resource to show what kind of projects have delivered what kind of results and thereby considered effective for eParticipation. KM and SemTech in eParticipation, 5/12/06

4 KM and SemTech in eParticipation, 5/12/06
KM and SemTech in eParticipation, 5/12/06

Professor Gregoris Mentzas Director, Information Management Unit Institute of Communication and Computer Systems National Technical University of Athens

6 KM and SemTech in eParticipation, 5/12/06
Motivation (1 of 2) Role of IT in political participation in the Internet age and in broadening and deepening citizen participation in the political decision-making process Participation of citizens in the political decision-making process requires access to information: citizens must be able to acquire the knowledge and information about governance needed to make informed choices the sheer availability of documents is not synonym of accessibility citizens can comprehend and easily retrieve it. KM and SemTech in eParticipation, 5/12/06

7 KM and SemTech in eParticipation, 5/12/06
Motivation (2 of 2) Knowledge and semantic technologies are key enabling technologies for making explicit the information implicitly contained in documents. Transforming textual data into knowledge requires: the definition of ontologies as shareable structures for knowledge organization; the possibility of semi-automatically populating and updating these ontologies with data coming from textual documents; automated techniques for semantically marking-up documents Role of R&D in linking between ontologies and general lexicons automatic or semi-automatic ontology learning and population semantic interpretation of linguistic content, etc. KM and SemTech in eParticipation, 5/12/06

8 KM and Semantic Technologies Workshop
We have invited researchers interested in the intersection of Knowledge Management and Semantic Technologies and eParticipation to actively participate in a workshop which will reflect upon the meaning and practice of these technologies and their relationship to policy-making KM and SemTech in eParticipation, 5/12/06

9 KM and SemTech in eParticipation, 5/12/06
Objectives (1 of 2) to map the various knowledge management and semantic technologies available in the context of eParticipation; to explore the specific opportunities and advantages that knowledge management and semantic technologies bring to eParticipation; to identify research challenges which participation processes and practices pose for knowledge management and semantic technologies; KM and SemTech in eParticipation, 5/12/06

10 KM and SemTech in eParticipation, 5/12/06
Objectives (2 of 2) to think about the socio-economical issues related to the adoption of knowledge management and semantic technologies in an eParticipation context. to facilitate close and sustained co-operation between eParticipation researchers from different academic disciplines in order to better understand the role of knowledge management and semantic technologies in eParticipation processes. KM and SemTech in eParticipation, 5/12/06

11 KM and SemTech in eParticipation, 5/12/06
Agenda 13.45— Knowledge management aspects in eParticipation contexts Andreas Rosendahl and Maria Wimmer, University of Koblenz-Landau 14.00— The need for semantic technologies to Support Policy-Making Ann Macintosh,Napier University 14.15— An eParticipation ontology as basis for the Demo-net virtual centre of excellence Maria Wimmer, University of Koblenz-Landau 14.30— Strategies to organize and access knowledge in a civic online community: the need and some research directions Cristian Peraboni and Fiorella de Cindio, Università degli Studi di Milano KM and SemTech in eParticipation, 5/12/06

12 KM and SemTech in eParticipation, 5/12/06
Agenda 14.45— NLP for eParticipation Claudia Soria and Nicoletta Calzolari, CNR 15.00—15.15 Visualization of knowledge in the eParticipation ontology Andreas Rosendahl, University of Koblenz-Landau 15.15—15.30 Coffee break 15.30— Exploiting current research Moderator: Maria Wimmer, University of Koblenz-Landau 17.00—18.30 Exploring future research Moderator: Ann Macintosh,Napier University 18.30 Closing of workshop KM and SemTech in eParticipation, 5/12/06

Thank you !!

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