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Measurement #2 Without Numbers

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Presentation on theme: "Measurement #2 Without Numbers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Measurement #2 Without Numbers
Interviews and Focus Groups

2 Sometimes the best way to learn something is simply to

3 Face-to-face Interviews

4 One of the best ways of gather information
without numbers is simply to talk with people…..

5 It doesn’t always have to be formal research….

6 A lot can be learned by interviewing workers
who interact with customers….

7 Including clerks and other workers

8 Don’t be an info-snob!

9 One of the best ways of gather information
without numbers is simply to talk with people: This method has great potential!!

10 But it must be done with care, because it also has great problems!!

11 Face-to-face Interviews

12 Face-to-face Interviews
Advantages: Flexibility

13 Face-to-face Interviews
Advantages: Flexibility High Response Rate Response rate = (# of completed surveys)/ (# of people contacted)

14 Roxanne mailed out 2000 questions and got 360 back.
What is her response rate?

15 Roxanne had 2000 people interviewed, 360 agreed.
After persuasion, 510 more people agreed. What is her response rate?

16 Response rates can cast the most careful research into doubt.
For example: Suppose a city wanted to increase taxes to build a new recreation center. All voters were approached, but only 20% responded. The study found that 65% of the voters agreed to increase taxes. Consequently, the city said they would raise taxes. Since only 20% responded, the actual number of voters who approved of the new tax could be as low as 13% (.20 X .65), or has high as 93% ( ).

17 Face-to-face Interviews
Advantages: Flexibility High Response Rate Human nature People like to: have social interactions talk think their opinion is important

18 Face-to-face Interviews

19 What would it cost Roxanne to have 2,000 people interviewed?
Face-to-face Interviews Disadvantages: Cost What would it cost Roxanne to have 2,000 people interviewed?

20 Face-to-face Interviews
Disadvantages: Cost Anonymity

21 How long would it take for Roxanne to have 2000 people interviewed?
Face-to-face Interviews Disadvantages: Cost Anonymity Time consuming How long would it take for Roxanne to have 2000 people interviewed?

22 Face-to-face Interviews
Disadvantages: Cost Anonymity Time consuming Social problems

23 Face-to-face Interviews
Disadvantages: Cost Anonymity Time consuming Social problems “all interviews are social interactions”


25 Differences in attractiveness

26 Differences of age…

27 Differences in race and culture…

28 Face-to-face Interviews
Disadvantages: Cost Anonymity Time consuming Social problems “homophilous persons”

29 Focus Groups

30 Focus Groups Are very popular:

31 Focus Groups Are very popular:

32 Focus Groups There are even rooms built for focus groups:

33 Focus Groups Eight to twelve people:


35 Focus Groups Eight (nine) to twelve (eleven) people

36 Focus Groups Eight to twelve people Homogenous

37 Good source for complete step-by-step.
Focus Groups Good source for complete step-by-step.

38 Focus Groups Advantages: Relatively fast and easy

39 Focus Groups Advantages: Relatively fast and easy
Relatively inexpensive

40 Focus Groups Advantages: Relatively fast and easy
Relatively inexpensive “Vocabulary”

41 Focus Groups Advantages: Relatively fast and easy
Relatively inexpensive “Vocabulary” “Synergism”

42 Focus Groups Advantages: Relatively fast and easy
Relatively inexpensive “Vocabulary” “Synergism” stimulation serendipity snowballing

43 Focus Groups Disadvantages:

44 Focus Groups Disadvantages: Representative

45 Focus Groups Disadvantages: Representative Selection Size
Moderator problems

46 Focus Groups Moderator problems


48 Focus Groups Moderator problems Must have a good moderator:

49 Focus Groups Moderator problems Must have a good moderator:
1. Must have good rapport

50 Focus Groups Moderator problems Must have a good moderator:
1. Must have good rapport 2. Socially interactive

51 Focus Groups Moderator problems Must have a good moderator:
1. Must have good rapport 2. Socially interactive 3. Listens well

52 Focus Groups Moderator problems Must have a good moderator:
1. Must have good rapport 2. Socially interactive 3. Listens well 4. Relaxed

53 Focus Groups Moderator problems Must have a good moderator:
1. Must have good rapport 2. Socially interactive 3. Listens well 4. Relaxed 5. Likes people

54 Focus Groups Moderator problems Must have a good moderator:
1. Must have good rapport 2. Socially interactive 3. Listens well 4. Relaxed 5. Likes people 6. Good short and long-term memory

55 Focus Groups Moderator problems Must have a good moderator:
1. Must have good rapport 2. Socially interactive 3. Listens well 4. Relaxed 5. Likes people 6. Good short and long-term memory 7. Intelligent

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