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El Niño- Southern Oscillation

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1 El Niño- Southern Oscillation
ENSO El Niño- Southern Oscillation

2 El Niño- Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
Interactions, inter-relationships between: Atmospheric circulation Ocean circulation Climate El Niño- oceanic component Southern Oscillation- atmospheric component

3 ENSO El Niño Named for anomalous warm current off Peru
Tends to occur around Christmas time Intensity and duration - variable

4 ENSO Southern Oscillation
Oscillation is the distribution and intensity of high and low pressure systems across the equatorial Pacific Affects wind patterns Affects surface ocean circulation patterns Affects climate

5 Western Pacific Warm Pool

6 January East Pacific High Indonesian Low KKC 5-19

7 ENSO El Nino-Southern Oscillation
Name given to a series of conditions that focus on processes in the Equatorial Pacific, but have global consequences

8 Atmospheric Circulation - Eq Pac
Walker Cell East to west atmospheric circulation cell Superimposed on the Hadley cell Similar to Hadley cell, but follows lines of latitude instead of lines of longitude

9 Atmospheric Circulation - Eq Pac
Walker cell Normally initiated at the Indonesian Low Indonesian Low Low pressure system near Indonesia/Australia Overlying the western Pacific warm pool


11 January Indonesian Low East Pacific High KKC 5-19

12 Walker Cell Darwin Indonesian Low Tahiti East Pac High KKC 15-12

13 Walker Cell Air rises over Indonesian Low
Transported to the east aloft Sinks in eastern equatorial Pacific (at high pressure) Transported to west at ground level = Trade winds Discovered by British mathematician in 1900’s studying failure of the Indian monsoon

14 Normal Conditions = Walker cell From NOAA website (see KKC 15-13a)

15 Normal Conditions Low Pressure over Indonesia
High Pressure over eastern equatorial Pacific Strong Walker cell Strong Trade winds Weak Equatorial Counter Current Upwelling near Peru Western Pac ~8 warmer than eastern Pac Sea surface about 0.5 m higher near Indonesia Rain in western Pac/dry in eastern Pac Thermocline ~100m in western Pac, m in eastern Pac

16 Normal Conditions Garrison’s Oceanography text, 8-15a

17 Normal Conditions Green = cold Red = warm Sea Surface Temperature
(SST) Garrison 8-15b

18 Normal Conditions Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Anomalies NOAA site

19 El Niño Conditions Decreased pressure gradient across the equatorial Pac Weakening of Walker cell Weakening of Trade winds Stronger Equatorial Counter Current Migration of warm pool to the east Reduced upwelling and deepening of the thermocline in the east Shift in rainfall to the east Eastward displacement of atmospheric heat source (and associated global climate changes)

20 El Niño Conditions From NOAA website (see KKC 15-13b)

21 El Niño Conditions Garrison 8-15c Weakening of Walker
Decreased pressure gradient Weaken Trade winds Stronger Eq Counter Current Migration of warm pool Reduced upwelling (east) Shallower thermocline (west) Shift in rainfall to the east Garrison 8-15c

22 El Niño Conditions Garrison 8-15d

23 Comparison Normal El Nino Garrison 8-15

24 El Niño Conditions Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Anomalies NOAA site

25 Comparison- SST Anomaly
Normal El Nino NOAA site

26 Development of El Niño Red and white = sea level above normal Garrison
White = sea level 30 cm above normal ~3 C above normal Garrison

27 ENSO Pattern Tend to develop during April – June
Maximum Strength in Dec. – Feb. Persist 9-12 months (up to 2 yrs) Recur every 2-7 yrs

28 Simulations

29 Effects on Upwelling Reduced upwelling = fewer nutrients
= less food at bottom of the food chain

30 Effects of Upwelling Collapse of Peruvian anchovy industry

31 La Niña Reverse of ENSO conditions
Stronger trades Stronger Walker cell More convection over Indonesia Shallower thermocline to the east Increased upwelling near Peru Cooler eastern Pacific Typically follow El Ninos, but less common

32 La Niña El Niño

33 El Nino Animations Comparisons of El Ninos (and La Ninas
Current conditions

34 Southern Oscillation Index (SOI)
Oscillation in atmospheric pressure across the Pacific Measure of intensity of ENSO Contrast Western Pac vs. eastern Pac Indonesian Low vs. So. Pac high Darwin, Australia vs. Tahiti

35 Southern Oscillation Index (SOI)
0 = normal conditions Negative Darwin higher than normal Tahiti lower than normal = ENSO Positive Darwin lower than normal/Tahiti higher = La Niña

36 Southern Oscillation Index (SOI)
Similar to KKC 15-17

37 Record of ENSO El Nino La Nina Multivariable index: Sea level pressure
Zonal and meridional surface winds SST Surface air temperature Total cloudiness

38 ENSO Frequency Quasi Periodic Every 2-7 years Coral records
~1 event every 4 years and 1 strong event per decade for past century Duration and extent varies- each ENSO is unique = prolonged ENSO conditions

39 Coral Records of ENSO La Niña El Niño

40 * * * * * * * Seasonal cycle Variations between events

41 ENSO Comparison

42 Causes?

43 Cause(s)? Probably internal to climate system
Timing  ocean/atmosphere dynamics ~surface ocean response times Driving energy = Pacific warm pool Random/chaotic aspects- noise in the climate system

44 ENSO Teleconnections Global Effects (based on statistical correlation)
Large scale disturbance of convergence zones in the Tropics (impacts Hadley cells) Impact on the Indian monsoon- reduced moisture source Drought in Australia and Africa Heavy rain in Peru/Calif

45 ENSO Teleconnections Global Effects
Shift in tropospheric subtropical jet stream- driven by equator to pole gradient (ENSO = steeper gradient) Florida- cool, wet winters NW and NE N. America- warmer (snowier) More Pacific tropical storms Fewer Atlantic and Gulf tropical storms

46 Teleconnections NOAA website, see KKC 15-18

47 Teleconnections La Nina El Nino
COAPS Website - Center for Ocean - Atm Prediction Studies

48 ENSO and Hurricanes Tang, B. H., and J. D. Neelin, 2004: ENSO Influence on Atlantic hurricanes via tropospheric warming. Geophys. Res. Lett.: Vol 31, L24204.

49 ENSO and Hurricanes ENSO conditions tend to suppress development of tropical storms/hurricanes in the Atlantic (inc. number in Pacific) Wind shear Drier conditions during hurricane season (Gh)/guides/mtr/hurr/enso.rxml University of Illinois- World weather 2010 project

50 La Nina Teleconnections
More rain Indonesia/Australia (Phillipines) Droughts US south and southwest More rain US northwest Increased hurricane activity Florida- warm, dry winter

51 La Nina Teleconnections NOAA website, see KKC 15-18


53 End of ENSO Events “Seeds of own destruction” Rossby Wave Kelvin Wave
slower, weaker reflection of Kelvin Wave thermocline depths = shallowing of thermocline in east  re-est. of pressure gradient Strengthen Trades  re-est. western warm pool…

54 History of ENSO Events Evidence as far back as 5000 yrs
Sediments in Peruvian lakes Difficult to detect such short term events far back in geologic record Coral records- appear to be becoming more frequent over past few decades Natural variability? Global warming?

55 1998- strong ENSO, then La Nina
2000 – Fall “La Nada”; ENSO neutral Fall 2002 – El Nino 2005- Weak ENSO 2006- Weak La Nina Early Weak ENSO July 07- Jan 09- Maturing/weakening La Nina moderate ENSO (‘72-73; ‘82-83; ’86-87, ‘02-03) El Nino La Nina


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