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Mrs. Heatherly, Mrs. Freeman, and Mrs. Wray

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Heatherly, Mrs. Freeman, and Mrs. Wray"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Heatherly, Mrs. Freeman, and Mrs. Wray
Week of: September 25 - September 29, 2017 -To sign up for Remind to receive instant messages from us, send the following codes to number “81010”: Mrs. Heatherly Mrs. Freeman Mrs. Wray Please send us a message with your child’s name when you sign up. -If you have not paid your child’s activity fee of $20, please do so as soon as possible. We are still working on chapter 3. Our mid-chapter test will be on Thursday. The vocabulary will also be on this test. They wrote down their vocabulary last week, and it is on the back of this newsletter. We will take our 7’s and 8’s timed test on Friday. Please make sure they study. I gave students their homework, and this is due on Friday. We will continue reading Wonder this week, and will continue working on text structures. TESTS: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 - Reading and Writing vocabulary, spelling, and MS Studies Week 3 quiz Science: We have completed our unit on “Human Body Systems” but will be writing a narrative concerning each student’s favorite body system. This will be worked on during class time so I can meet with the students in writing conferences. This will also count as an English writing grade and a Science comprehension grade. Social Studies: We will begin working on Studies Weekly Week 3. This will be a study on how we take care of Mississippi. Narrative Writing: Students’ writing will center around adding concrete words and phrases and sensory details along with transitional words and phrases to their writing. Please make sure you are studying the vocabulary words with your child each night. These words are used in both the Reading and English classrooms. 10/9-10/10 – Columbus Day and Staff Development; no school 10/11 – Report Cards 11/8 - Progress Reports 11/20-11/24 - Thanksgiving Holidays

2 cease - to stop; to come or bring to an end
Lunch Menu for 9/18 - 9/22, 2017 Monday: BBQ rib sandwich, sloppy joe, or chef salad Tuesday: Chicken tenders, baked ham, or chef salad Wednesday: Breaded steak with gravy, huntington chicken, or chef salad Thursday: Baked pork chop, chicken with alfredo sauce, or chef salad Friday: Stuffed crust pizza, beef ravioli, or chef salad Reading and Writing Vocabulary (This will be tested every 2 weeks. Next test is 9/29) approach - to go closer to; a coming closer; a road or way that leads to a place burrow - to dig a hole or tunnel into or under something; to dig deeply into; to search; a hole or tunnel dug by an animal as a home or for protection cease - to stop; to come or bring to an end destructive - causing harm or damage (destruction - harm or damage) drowsy - tired or sleepy famished - very hungry forecast - to figure out and say what will happen before it takes place; a telling of what will happen hibernate - to spend the winter in a resting state migrate - to move from one country or region to another (migration - the act of migrating; migratory - moving from one place or country to another, usually regularly nestle - to settle down comfortably, as if in a nest; to lie in a sheltered, partly hidden place observe - to see; to notice; to comment; to remark; to mark an event or day; to obey prepare - to make or get ready (preparation - something done to get ready) reduce - to make or become smaller or less (reduction - the act of reducing or the amount by which something is reduced severe - very strict or harsh; hard to bear or deal with venture - to dare to do, to go, or to say; something that involves the risk of a loss Reading Spelling uniform 11. salute excuse 12. threw juice 13. utensil tuned 14. chewing unusual 15. toothache curfew 16. stew blueberry 17. bugle using 18. unicorn duel music usually 20. mute Bonus Words: unicycle interview freezing Ch. 3 Vocabulary compatible numbers - numbers that are easy to compute with mentally Associative Property of Multiplication - the property that states that when the grouping of factors is changed, the product remains the same Commutative Property of Multiplication - the property that states when the order of two factors is changed, the product remains the same estimate - to find an answer that is close to the exact amount partial product - a method of multiplying in which the ones, tens, hundreds, and so on are multiplied separately and then the products are added together product - the answer in a multiplication problem regroup - to exchange amounts of equal value to rename a number

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