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Curriculum Evening workshop.
Upper Key Stage 2
English Taught every day Includes : Writing
SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) Reading All tests looked at today and 2016 sample tests will be used throughout the year so please do not use them at home.
English in school Generally, we teach: SPaG lessons Writing lessons
Comprehension lessons To best suit the genre we often combine the writing and SPaG lessons into blocks, making a writing week and a SPaG week.
SPaG Have a look at the test on your table.
It comes in 2 parts GPV and Sp. That is what children have to be able to achieve by the end of Key Stage Two. But by Y5 most of the content has been taught. The things tested are all explained on the SPaG mat. 10 mins for the slide so parents can have a look at the test and compare it to the grammar mats
Reading Have a look at the reading test. Comprehension lessons.
Guided reading. Our target is to read 4 times a week. Reading is assessed in strands. See next slides to explain reading strands
Reading Strands – KS2 National Curriculum Reference No. of marks
% of total mark 2a give / explain the meaning of words in context 5 – 10 10 – 20% 2b retrieve and record information / identify key details from fiction and non-fiction 8 – 25 16 – 50% 2c summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph 1 – 6 2 – 12% 2d make inferences from the text / explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text 2e predict what might happen from details stated and implied 0 – 3 0 – 6% 2f identify / explain how information / narrative content is related and contributes to meaning as a whole 2g identify / explain how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases 2h make comparisons within the text Reading Strands – KS2 Give parents 2a/2b reading question stems that they could use to support their child at home.
How to help at home Make sure children are reading 4 times a week – they can read to themselves and record themselves. Enjoy reading share stories together – they are not too old to be read to. Read a range of texts as reading impacts upon writing. Look up new / unknown vocabulary together. (2A link) Ask questions when you do read together – see questions.
Sequence of Writing Read and evaluate / pick out key features Plan
Draft Improve Publish
Writing Objectives Age Related Expectation
If children don’t correctly join their writing by the end of Key Stage Two, they will not be able to achieve Age Related Expectation. Explain briefly the changes brought in 2014 Talk about UKS2 objectives Share Moderation criteria (twinkl version as parent/child friendly) ALL STATEMENTS MUST BE ACHIEVED CONSISTANTLY TO BE ARE
Expected Standard Explain this is in the slide for information explaining how we analyse the children’s writing for moderation.
What does Age Related Expectation Mean?
Accurate punctuation – MUST have capital letters. Accurate sentence structure – not comma splicing! High level of adventurous vocabulary. Be able to self check and correct own errors. Suitable for purpose and audience. Share child’s writing booklet. Explain this was a child who we would’ve expected to be greater depth based on KS1 information and old national curriculum however moderation process agreed the child was at Expected Standard as ‘voice’ was not consistent through the genres.
Spelling Spelling MUST be accurate to be at Age Related Expectation.
However, children can self check using a dictionary, word bank or by asking a peer or adult for the spelling. Dictionaries / electronic spell checkers are a great tool. We now have amended our policy from STA guidance. It is classed as independent if children have asked for a spelling , used a dictionary, spell checker etc. In your pack I have put the spelling words alongside the child friendly writing criteria
Spelling Groups “phonics”
Children are grouped according to their spelling ability and can be with children of different ages. Working on specific spellings patterns and completing a range of activities based on that spelling pattern. Some children are being accelerated and some are plugging gaps. Children will ALL work on Year 5&6 spelling list words during English lessons and handwriting time. Just because you are with the year 3 teacher doesn’t mean you are doing year 3 spellings. We follow RWI
How to help at home Practising dictionary skills – getting familiar with how to use it. Practising spellings off the Year 5&6 spelling list and ensuring children are confident with the meaning of the words and can use them accurately. Reading a wide range of genres including stories. Writing if children want to – even things like football reports. Explain that some of the class find it difficult to look within the (eg) ‘d’ section with accuracy as stuggling to identify 2/3 letter. Reading bingo encouragement in class. As well as class prize – The variety of books read is key – We magpie ideas from quality texts and use them as models.
Useful Websites to support English
Maths 2017 SATS Arithmetic Paper 2 Reasoning Papers
Objectives for end of Y5 and Y6 are in your packs Explain test papers and time allowed for each test.
Mastery Mathematics Each lesson starts with daily counting
Always starts with 0 Commutative law 3x4 = 12 4x3 = 12 Daily Practice Mastery Curriculum – fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract
CPA Using concrete objects (cups / cards / counters/ pens) to help children understand Maths. ½ + ¼ = ¾ Builds up skill through Direct Instruction, Guided Practice, Independent Work, Partner teaching. Key element for reasoning is the ability to explain why/how something happens, is true or not.
Multiplication 3 x 6 = 18 3 x 60 = 180 3 x 600 = 1800
Calculation Methods Vertical Addition Vertical Subtraction
Multiplication (O first) Division (Jottings) Talk about the context of a question and how answers have to be rounded up and down. EG division – there were 432 children in Scholar Green. 15 children could sit around a picnic table. How many tables did they need to buy?
Number bonds to 10 and 100 and application e.g. 24 + 36 = 60
How to help at home Times tables are essential – children MUST know them all without having to work them all out. Number bonds to 10 and 100 and application e.g = 60 Telling the time and reading timetables . Real life maths – weighing for baking / money. Luckily the end of year 6 computer tables test has been postponed and will not be introduced in 2017 as planned. Money – explain that a lot of children will write £1.5 for £1.50 as 1.5 is a decimal number that they are familiar with. Time using a number line to calculate the difference.
Useful Websites to support Maths
All website links can be found on the school website
Topics Autumn – World War 2 Spring – Crime and Punishment
Summer – Mayan Civilisation Linking to a book All information was in the pack sent home Newsletters will still be half-termly
Homework Set on a Thursday Hand in on a Tuesday
Homework club Friday lunch-time 12:30 until 1pm
Parents’ Evening Monday 6th November 3:30-5:30pm
Tuesday 7th November 5-7pm SATs evening (Y6 only)Thursday 14th December 5.30pm
Thank you for coming! Any questions?
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