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Computational Mechanism Design

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1 Computational Mechanism Design
Nathanaël Hyafil Depth Oral Examination

2 Outline Background I. The three issues and direct ‘solutions’
Mechanism Design Vickrey Clarke Groves I. The three issues and direct ‘solutions’ Valuation Complexity Computation Complexity Communication Complexity II. Sequential Mechanisms Price-based General query-based III. Automated Mechanism Design IV. Future Research

3 Mechanism Design Choose global outcome according to some objective (Social Welfare, Revenue, ...) Objective value depends on private information held by self-interested agents  Elicitation + Incentives Applications: Economics: Auctions, Public Goods, ... E-Commerce: multi-attribute Negotiation (Supply chain), ... Comp.Sc.: Networks, Autonomic computing, ...

4 Vickrey Clarke Groves (VCG)
Objective: Social Welfare Agents report full valuation function Outcome: that maximizes SW given reports Payment: cost of your presence to the others find outcome that maximizes SW without i, i truth-telling: dominant strategy wide application: quasi-linear environments

5 1. Valuation complexity Valuation: a value for every outcome
Large outcome spaces (e.g. CA): exponential number of values to compute 1-item: hard to evaluate valuation exactly e.g., 1 hour of CPU time

6 1. Valuation complexity Work focused on analyzing valuation complexity in standard auctions (Parkes-04, Larson&Sandholm-01,03,04) No direct solution to valuation problem but indirectly through work on communication complexity

7 2. Computational complexity
Problem: Large Outcome Spaces e.g., Combinatorial Auctions: number of allocations is K^N Finding efficient allocation (WD): NP-complete (RPH-98) VCG: must do this (n+1) times, for n agents

8 Solutions for Combinatorial Auctions
Faster optimal allocation: (SSGL-01) faster on ‘common’ instances Branch & Bound Heuristic search Special cases: (RPH-98,Nisan-00,Tenn.-00) Structure in preferences that make it ‘easy’ Approximate allocation: …

9 Approximate Allocation
Also intractable in worst case, if guarantees on quality of approximation (Hastad 99) Lose Incentive Compatibility in VCG (LOCS 2002; NR 2000) Settle for ‘hard’ to manipulate -improvement NP-hard (Sanghvi & Parkes 04) feasibly-dominant (Nisan&Ronen 00)

10 3. Communication complexity
Valuation: one real number for every outcome communication costs: problem for large outcome spaces, e.g. CA: worst case exponential (Nisan & Segal 2003) even 1-item auctions for low value resources (bandwidth, CPU time...) cost of sending 1 real number is significant privacy / secrecy issues

11 Communication in 1-Item Auctions
Priority Games: (Blumrosen & Nisan 02 ; BN & Segal 03) hard limit on communication: k bits/agent 2k bids possible per agent

12 Priority Games ex: 2 agents, 1 bit per agent B A

13 Priority Games: allocation
if one sends strictly higher bid: he wins B A

14 Priority Games: allocation
if tie: fixed order; here B > A B A

15 B A Priority Games payment rule:
2k thresholds per agent; Here (0,tA) ; (0,tB) B A

16 B A Priority Games Dominant strategy:
A bids ‘1’ if and only if vA  tA (Threshold strategy) B A

17 Priority Games allocation is not (always) optimal
Any set of thresholds induces a dominant (threshold) strategy Given a prior, they show how to optimize thresholds to limit loss in Social Welfare

18 Communication in CAs Complete Languages: Restricted Languages:
fully expressive concise on ‘important’ classes of valuations easy to interpret Restricted Languages: restrict bidding (e.g., to some bundles) report ‘closest’ allowed valuation

19 Complete Language: LGB (BH 2001)
Ex: Machine m ; Resources r1, r2, r3, … [ (m  r1;p1)  (m  r2;p2)  … ; p0 ] Logical combinations of bids and goods  ,  ,  prices in any sub-formula

20 LGB (BH 2001) more compact (sometimes exponentially)
easily interpretable easily expressed IP for Winner Determination with LGB bids: faster than standard (flat) IP and heuristic search much larger problems

21 Restricted Languages VCG with restricted revelation not always IC
truth-telling: reporting ‘closest’ valuation if true valuation not allowed, possibly lie restrict to classes of valuations (Ronen 01) feasible-dominance less successful: unrealistic assumption(s) restrict to subset of bundles (HKMT-03) IC: dominant for some choices of subset analysis of loss in SW ; (not very informative)

22 II. Sequential Mechanisms
Addressing the three issues separately in VCG-based mechanisms: not successful; everything ‘connected’ e.g., NR-00: less computation, more communication Move away from VCG to get: Approximate outcome without losing IC Same Vickrey outcome without full revelation

23 Price-based: One-Item auctions
ASIA: (Kress&Boutilier 04) ‘sequential partitioning’: 1 price / round report ‘in’ or ‘out’ ( 1 bit/round/agent) exact allocation OR no allocation DS: stay ‘in’ if and only if value  price! ‘Optimal’ price increase rule (MDP solution) communication vs. efficiency

24 Price-based: CAs iBundle and extensions (Parkes01,Parkes&Ungar-00):
announce prices for each bundle at each round (truthful) myopic best-response: bid on bundle that maximizes (true) utility given prices at least ex-post equilibrium with price adjustments: non-dynamic rev. dominant

25 Price-based: CAs Computation: Communication:
more WD to solve but smaller instances empirically faster Communication: more bids to send but of smaller size price posting

26 Query-based:Heuristic Search (Conen&Sandholm 01,02) , (Hudson&Sandholm 03)
Centralized elicitation with: value, order, rank queries Exponential worst case, but in practice... Information structures: rank lattice, order graph Incentives only through Vickrey payments: in some cases ‘for free’ Communication: empirically (on ‘important’ valuations), small fraction of valuation revealed Computation: exponential complexity to maintain information structures

27 Query-based:Learning Theory (SCS04,ZBS-03,BJSZ04, LP04)
Learn classes of functions while minimizing number of queries to an oracle Queries: membership=value, equiv.=demand Important: learn allocation function, not valuations! (Lahaie & Parkes 04) IC: through Vickrey payments; not free But: exact learning, even if cost > benefits

28 Query-based: Decision Theory
Before: minimize number of queries to get optimal decision DT approach: elicit information to improve decision, if it is worth the cost Value Of Information starting to be used: Chajewska, Koller, Parr 2000 Boutilier 2002

29 POMDP model of PE (Boutilier-02)
Sequentially optimal elicitation trades-off quality of decision with cost of elicitation arbitrary cost models computationally very complex: approximation needed no IC; Vickrey payments don’t apply

30 III. Automated Mechanism Design
VCG: one mechanism for all priors (SW) Myerson auction: one algorithm, outputs an auction for each prior (Revenue) AMD = Myerson for general MD search for mechanism as an LP IC and IR imposed as constraints LP objective = designer ’s expected objective

31 Automated Mechanism Design
Problems: Continuous outcome space Continuous type / action space Partial revelation Priors hard to quantify

32 Past Research: Strict Uncertainty
Hyafil & Boutilier, UAI 2004: Games with strict (qualitative) uncertainty cannot Maximize Expected Utility should Minimize Max Regret Minimax-Regret Equilibrium Minimax-Regret (Partial Revelation) AMD sequence LPs and MIPs

33 IV. Current / Future Research
Partial Revelation: partition agent type space report subset containing type pick outcome despite remaining uncertainty (approximately optimal) Partial Revelation objectives: ex-post expected full objective Min ex-post MaxRegret wrt full objective IC: dominant / BayesNash / MinimaxRegret

34 Current / Future Research
General case: VCG-like algorithm need ‘ tie-breaking ’ and payment rule AMD: optimize mechanism + partition non-linear LP objective quadratic constraints for direct mechanisms with dominant strategies, in general setting: ‘impossible’ ? BayesNash? Minimax Regret? Sequential mechanisms

35 Current / Future Research
specific application: multi-attribute negotiation incentives issues computational issues MinimaxRegret-based Mechanism Design use MMR as guide for sequential elicitation incentives through Vickrey payments more useful incentives properties?? (MinimaxRegret-Equilibrium applications)

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