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Strategies for Promoting Physical Activity & Fitness

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Presentation on theme: "Strategies for Promoting Physical Activity & Fitness"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategies for Promoting Physical Activity & Fitness
Ch 15

2 Outcome Project Has learned skills Is physically fit
Participates regularly in physical activity Knows benefits of physical activity Values physical activity –NASPE Physically educated person: has active lifestyle, achieves & maintains health enhancing level of fitness

3 Define Physical Activity: move body, includes sport, dance, & leisure activities Process leads learner to fitness Fitness: attributes have relating to ability to perform physical activity Outcome of physical activity process

4 Define Physical Fitness: measure of person’s ability to perform physical activities Health related fitness: promote optimum health & prevent disease Skill related fitness: promote optimum performance of motor skill

5 Physical Activity Amount
Less time devoted to physical activity Declines with age NASPE- elementary 30-60min. minimum; last in periods of min; variety of activities Moderate to vigourous

6 Activity Pyramid Demonstrates activities to do each day and activities to cut down on Fun for kids to look at Become interested in activity

7 High Activity Levels during PE Class
Instant activities Activities for students waiting a turn Intersperse activity oriented task & skill development task Pedometers for awareness

8 Special Needs & Restrictions
Modify activities to improve functional activity & increase opportunities for habitual physical activity

9 Positive Message about Physical Activity & Fitness
Regular schedule – don’t skip less Don’t keep students from participating or use as punishment Be enthusiastic, energetic Use praise

10 Cardiovascular Routines that get heart rate up
Running, jumping, skipping, sliding, etc Keep moving

11 Muscular Strength & Endurance
Include upper & lower body movements Can add objects Use body weight Muscular strength: max force muscle produces against resistance w/single max effort Muscular Endurance: capacity to exert force repeatedly w/resistance

12 Muscular Strength & Endurance
Upper, lower, abdominal strength & endurance Muscle of the week Special needs: modify weights, how move, times repeat exercise

13 Flexibility Range of motion around a joint Specific to joints
Stretching to discomfort but not pain

14 Stretches Performed slowly Follow a warm-up Held for 15-30 sec
Held in comfortable position Gentle - avoid pain

15 Stretches Do not: Bounce Hyperextend Perform fast Swing Over-bend
Arch neck or low back

16 Stretches Games – alphabet, stretch break, pit stop
Incorporate into lessons Include special needs

17 Fitness Testing Dreaded
Performance effected by: maturation, heredity, predisposition, body comp Used as self-monitoring tool Feedback not end point Learn about fitness & set goals Fitness standards exist in some areas

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