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Exit Capacity Release Methodology Statement

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1 Exit Capacity Release Methodology Statement
Transmission Workstream meeting – 8th January 2009

2 High Level Scope Licence Special Condition C18 requires……
An NTS exit capacity release methodology statement (“ExCR”) setting out the methodology by which National Grid will determine how it will release NTS exit capacity. The statement consists of two parts: Part A Applies to capacity allocations commencing in the Transitional Exit Period This is an update of the existing ExCR Part B Applies to capacity allocations commencing in the Enduring Exit Period New section

3 ExCR Part B – Enduring Exit Period
Scope will include: Initialisation of long term exit capacity rights Consistent with Exit Capacity Baseline Statement. Process is only briefly covered. Refer to more detailed rules defined in UNC. Concept of Users granted initial (as at 1st October 2012) long term capacity rights that are easy to reduce if not required. Capacity Terminology Explains terms defined in the Licence and terms defined in the UNC Inconsistencies between the two sources Other terms used in the ExCR for convenience

4 Enduring Annual NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity (1)
Main focus of the Part B of the ExCR is on Enduring Annual NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity Allocations Increase via application window or ad-hoc process. Allocations may be satisfied through substitution of unsold baseline capacity at other exit points. However derogation being sought to defer introduction of exit substitution obligation. Increases Subject to User Commitment. Advance notice required (before application) Agree Licence revenue drivers, permits, local works Ad-hoc applications may be first come – first served. Developers apply via ARCAs Mirror Shipper / DNO processes.

5 Enduring Annual NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity (2)
Scope will also include: Capacity Release Lead times Generally 1st October Y+4 where investment works are needed National Grid permits may extend or reduce this “Ad hoc” applicants can request shorter lead time subject to reasonable endeavours consideration. Bi-Directional Sites Exit and Entry signals required.

6 Annual and Daily NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity
Scope will also briefly include (detailed processes are provided in UNC) allocation of: Annual NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity Daily NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity Off-peak Daily NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity

7 NTS Exit (Flexibility) Capacity
Available to DNOs via OCS process Available to Shippers via OPNs Incremental flexibility capacity released where required or incentivised under the Licence May be released by acceptance of OPNs Incremental flexibility capacity not released if this triggers investment Exit Zones / Areas and Linepack Zones Published in Annex

8 Timeline Key requirement in the Licence
to submit a methodology statement to the Authority for approval before 1st April 2009 Obligation to consult, allowing a minimum of 28 days. Submission Date 30th March 2009 Consultation close out 23rd March 2009 Consultation start 23rd February 2009 Walk through of proposals 5th February

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