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Bell work: Select any 2 words and RELATE them by defining, describing & explaining them. Motion.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell work: Select any 2 words and RELATE them by defining, describing & explaining them. Motion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell work: Select any 2 words and RELATE them by defining, describing & explaining them. Motion

2 What is Physics….. If it is living it is biology.
If it is chemicals it is chemistry. If it is rocks it is geology. Physics is everything else and can be applied to biology, chemistry and geology, so….. Physics is the study of just about everything!!!

3 Physics Physicists Experimental
Design/ run experiments that investigate broad range of natural phenomena Theoretical Propose and develop models to explain mathematically the results of experimental observations

4 Topics Covered in This Course
Mechanics Velocity Acceleration Newton’s Laws Momentum Projectile Motion Energy Waves Sound Optics (Light)

5 Bell work: What is Motion?
Write 5-8 things that you think of when you hear the word MOTION or examples of objects in motion.

6 Aristotle 4th Century BC philosopher
Motion was caused by an object’s “natural” or “proper” place (Ex.: A rock’s motion is towards the earth, because a rock “belongs” in the earth) (Ex.: Smoke rises because it is from the air)

7 Motion (“moving”) Def: The change in position compared to a reference point.

8 What is Motion? Position Initial Position (Starting Point)
Final Position (Ending Point) Change in position = Ending Point- Starting Point Reference Point Compare motion to a stationary reference point Point of origin (starting position) Coordinates Ex: East, West, Right, Left

9 What is the frame of reference for the objects?

10 Everything is moving! (from atoms…. galaxies)
inertial reference frames

11 What’s the frame of reference with the 2 trains? Which is going forward? Backwards?

12 What is the frame of reference for the space shuttle astronauts?

13 Distance & Displacement
What is distance? How far an object travels “Total Length of Path” What is displacement? Change in POSITION From the starting position to final position. Where did it “end up” compared to where it started? “How Far” and “Which Direction”

14 Why does it matter? You: where is the movie theater?
Them: “It’s only a 5 blocks from the school.” Is this a distance or displacement? What does it need? Need the direction!!

15 Distance vs. Displacement
Example What is the tiger’s distance and displacement if it walks the following path: 1) Walks 5 meters to the east and the walks 3 meters to the west. distance: _________ meters displacement: __________ meters East or West? 8 meters is the distance it walked 2 meters east is its location (displacement)

16 Galileo and motion Experimentation! Objects move in TIME.
RATE of change of motion

17 Buggy Lab!! Ready….. Set…. Go!

18 fast Speed To find speed, you must measure: Units: m/s, km/h, mph,
Distance traveled Time it took to travel that distance Units: m/s, km/h, mph, Graphed as distance vs. time Calculated as: speed = distance time fast

19 Velocity Is both the speed and direction.
For example, if a vehicle travels at 60km/h, then we know it’s speed. But do we know which way it’s going? If we say it’s moving at 60km/h NORTH, now we know the direction its going. So…. we know it’s VELOCITY

20 Speed vs. Velocity Speed Velocity Describes how fast an object moves
Distance traveled in a certain time Velocity Describes how fast an object moves in a particular direction Displacement traveled in a certain time

21 Velocity: displacement traveled in a certain time
Speed Direction

22 Determine if the following statements are speed or velocity…
1. A cruise ship traveling at 60 knots south. ? 2. A cyclist going 10 mph. 3. A downhill skier going 40mph. 4. A person walking 4mph on a treadmill. 5. A jet traveling 600mph taking-off headed northeast.

23 Scalar vs. Vector Scalar Vector represents a measured quantity
“how much” Ex: time, length, mass, distance Vector represents both a measured quantity and the direction. Ex: displacement, velocity

24 Velocity Vectors A vector shows BOTH scaler quantity and direction
(amount) 30 m/s east

25 Vectors To be correct, vectors must be proportionally scaled. 4 m/s

26 Vector Addition A boat rowing down stream at a velocity of 5 m/s.
The river is moving with a velocity of 2 m/s. 2 m/s What is the boats final velocity? 7 m/s RESULTANT vector

27 Vector Subtraction A boat is rowing upstream at 5 m/s.
The river is flowing downstream at a velocity of m/s What is the boats resultant velocity? 3 m/s

28 Why are the strongest winds in a hurricane usually on the right side of the storm?

29 Why are the strongest winds in a hurricane usually on the right side of the storm?
The speed of the storms movement should be added to the wind speed on the right side of the storm. 10 mph + 100mph = 100 mph

30 1. What device on your car keeps it at a constant speed?
Bellwork 1. What device on your car keeps it at a constant speed? 2. Is this the same as traveling at a constant velocity?? The cruise control feature!

31 Constant Speed vs. Constant Velocity
(What’s the difference?) Constant velocity means constant speed and constant (no change) in DIRECTION Can these pictures demonstrate: Constant speed? Constant velocity? 35

32 Constant vs. Constant Speed Velocity
Constant speed = steady, same speed, (not speeding up, not slowing down) Covering the same distance in the same amount of time Constant velocity means same speed AND same direction NOT turning, but continuing in a straight path

33 Partner WS Work with your partner to solve the problems on the worksheet #1. Check in your answers with your Teachers!!!

34 Bell Ringer The following data is distance and time measurements from a buggy. Calculate the Average time for each distance. Distance (m) Time (s) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average 0.5 1.1 1.3 1.0 1.9 2.1 2.2 1.5 2.6 2.4 2.7 2.0 3.2 3.3 3.5

35 Bell Ringer 1. 2. 1. b) a)

36 3. 4. 3. a) c)

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