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Presentation of results as of September Oslo October

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1 Presentation of results as of September 30 2003 Oslo October 22 2003

2 Content Financial Review Commercial Update Shareholder Distribution

3 Financial Summary as of Sept. 30 2003
Total revenues YTD of NOK 10.1 mill. Nutrition Partners JV dissolved from Jan 1 41% decline in royalty revenues from Q3 2002 -Weak sales of Scan Diet and Nutriplan NOK 8 mill. write-off of goodwill related to GNC 70% decline in operating expenses excl. NPA and 8 mill. goodwill write-off

4 Financial Summary as of Sept. 30 2003
Operating result YTD 2003 NOK –17.6 mill vs NOK –58.5 mill. Loss of NOK 8.5 mill. vs loss of 47.4 mill. Positive cash flow of NOK 4.4 million in Q3 Reduced working capital Cash position of NOK 221 million, or NOK 3.07 per share (not including own shares) Unchanged from Dec

5 Income Statement Revenues Operating expenses Operating results
Net finance Pre-tax results 9M 2003 10.1 27.7 -17.6 9.1 -8.5 9M 2002 40.5 98.9 -58.4 11.0 -47.4 2002 51.3 132.2 -80.9 14.3 -66.6 2001 15.8 176.4 -160.6 27.5 -133.1 All figures in MNOK

6 Balance Sheet Long term assets Current assets Total assets Equity
Liabilities Total eq. & liab. 17.5 225.6 243.2 234.0 9.2 26.0 234.3 260.3 242.2 18.1 31.0 308.3 339.3 309.9 29.4 339.4 All figures in MNOK,

7 Commercial Update - Nordic
Nutrition Partners JV dissolved as of Jan New royalty agreement with Nycomed Exclusive license for Nutrilett in Nordic and Baltic Sales of Nutrilett of NOK 56.2 mill. YTD 2003 Slight decline from 2002 due to Increased competition from other dieting programs

8 Commercial Update – United States
GNC - Scan Diet™ Scan Diet sales declined from USD 9.8 mill. YTD 2002 to USD 3 mill. in 2003 Discontinued product lines Limited marketing support Growth of low carbohydrate diets GNC will continue to carry Scan Diet through 2004 GNC has been sold by Numico to Apollo Management

9 Commercial Update – Australia/NZ
Mayne - Nutriplan™ Mayne divesting non strategic assets incl. Nutriplan Mayne and NUT have not been able to find new home for Nutriplan Licence agreement will be terminated and Nutriplan will no longer be available in Australia/NZ

10 Commercial Update – Mills
Mills DA In September Mills DA, a part of the Norwegian Agra Group launched a pate containing Abacor under its Vita brand Vita positioned as an active part of a cholesterol conscious diet First launch of food product containing Abacor Limited royalty to NUT

11 Distribution to shareholders
Proposal to distribute NOK 2.75 per share to shareholders unanimously approved in extraordinary shareholders’ meeting Creditor notice period will expire in December and payment is planned shortly thereafter. Stock exchange notice will be sent

12 Outlook Future source of revenue will be royalty from Nutrilett and Scan Diet Royalty revenues expected to decline further due to Scan Diet Uncertain situation for Scan Diet after 2004 Continue to pursue new licence agreements NUT has not been succesful in finding an industrial partner NUT will explore alternative strategic opportunities

13 2003 reporting dates Q – February 4, 2004

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