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Cryostat procurement, status and plan, QA/QC

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1 Cryostat procurement, status and plan, QA/QC
D. Ramos, V. Parma, C. Mucher, H. Prin, M. Souchet, J. Hrivnak, M. Moretti, L. Mora, F. Savary, M. Struik Review of the 11T Dipoles at Collimator Section for the HL-LHC

2 Outline Recalling the production workflow Production strategy and schedule Procurement status Tooling QA and QC Risks and mitigation

Summary workflow Cryostat components SMI2 Assembled cold mass Cryostat assembly TBD Storage SM18 Cold test Storage SM18(tbc) Stripping Fiducialization Section/group in charge: SMA18 Beam screens and CWT WP12(TE-VSC) TE-MSC-LMF Beam line fiduc. WP15 Storage TE-MSC-CMI LHC tunnel Installation TE-MSC-TF TE-MSC-LMF & TE-MSC-CMI & TE-VSC Interconnect EN-ACE

4 Production strategy Vacuum vessels
Procurement as “build-to-print” in industry: detailed specification drawigns provided by CERN; fabrication prepared by the contractor Quality assurance as if pressure vessels (materials, welding, traceability, etc) Delivered clean and leak tested, including long term storage protection flanges Raw material provided by the contractor. Only qualified firms allowed to tender (Qualif. Criteria and Technical Questionnaire documents attached to specification)

5 Production strategy Bottom trays
Machining subcontracted following CERN drawings Raw material: from extrusions availabe in stock Pipe welding done at CERN as part of the assembly work, in particular the weld of the Al to stainless steel transition.

6 Aluminium to stainless steel transitions: in stock
Production strategy Support posts: Fixed: In stock (from procurement made for the QTC) Sliding: Standard dipole sliding posts, in stock Aluminium to stainless steel transitions: in stock

7 Cryo lines for bypass cryostat
Production strategy MLI: Procured as finished blankets with velcro bands for assembly Design by the supplier as part of the deliverable Cryo lines for bypass cryostat Contracted as assembled and tested units Design to be adapted by the manufacturer according to its own standards and available tooling

8 Facbrication schedule up to LS2
11T Prototype Cold mass proto available 1st series cold mass available Bypass prototype Note: Tendering acconted for but not shown. Series for LS2: 2 units + 1 spare

9 Status of vacuum vessel for prototype
Order CA (29517/HL/LHC) to Cadinox (ES) for 1 prototype unit, issued Jan 2016 Delivery expected: July 2016 Fabrication drawings by contractor ready and approved by CERN Material procurement incl. certificates done Welding QA well advanced (some samples to be impact tested at -50C) Contract running according to initial plan

10 Vacuum vessel prototype: Production plan

11 Bottom tray for prototype
Drawings ready to start production (see HCQBAHB019 in edms) Subcontracting of machining to be ordered Manufacturing and inspection plan ready (Edms LHC-QBAH-FP-0001)

12 SMI2 Assembly hall - present layout
Welding cabinet for bottom tray transitions 11 T Cryostating Bypass cryostat assembly Bottom tray assembly

13 SMI2 Assembly hall – Max. capacity
Activities requiring handling of cold masses or cryostated magnets can only be done under the 40 ton overhead crane Activities possible under the 10 ton overhead crane: Bypass cryostats Feedboxes Bottom tray sub-assemblies 40 ton 10 ton

14 Rollers bolted to CM end cover
Tooling Short cold mass length: Handling at the extremities (no rails inside vacuum vessel) Rollers bolted to CM end cover Mobile girder

15 Tooling Cryostating bench Bottom tray assembly bench
Bottom tray welding cabinet Thermal shield rolling machine

16 Quality assurance Full traceability: Materials, qualification of procedures and personnel, measurements, tests Asset management approach: documentation linked to equipment in database Equipment naming according to LHC QAP Manufacturing and inspection plans list main steps and give references to input and output documents Management of documentation by the 11T project QA team Implementation and extent of application as done for the magnets and cold masses

17 Quality assurance example: Bottom tray assembly for 11T prototype
Items (part numbers) created in edms

18 Quality assurance example: Bottom tray assembly for 11T prototype

19 Quality assurance example: Bottom tray assembly for 11T prototype
Asset number (physical equipment) = item number + serial number

20 Quality assurance example: Bottom tray assembly for 11T prototype
List of manufacturing steps: “Traveller” for a given equipment

21 Risks and mitigation Risk Mitigation Unproven solutions
Priority to usage of existing designs, components and assembly procedures Integration of current leads in the limited space between cold mass and vacuum vessel Start the design of the leads immediately Interface management (especially between beam vacuum, collimator and cryostat) Approved interface layout drawings Instability of interconnect expansion joints between 11 T cold masses Design according to standards As redundancy: Protective shells limiting transverse displacement Pipe supports without contact during normal operation but limiting lateral displacement in case of buckling Pressure / vacuum tightness All components designed and fabricated according to pressure vessel stardards, including vacuum components Aluminium leak tight welds Performed at CERN according to qualified procedure in controlled atmosphere

22 Conclusion Production strategy based on “build-to-print” approach
Usage of existing tooling with some adaptations Standardisation of components and procedures whenever possible Components for 11T prototype well advanced Fabrication of the bypass prototype starting soon in order to anticipate work Quality assurance according to integrated approach and managed by a single team for all 11T project

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